True Life in God Messages

Notebook 47 True Life in God 473 and lean on Me, come and rest in Me; Vassula, My property, I, your King, hold you captive of My Love; and I shall be guarding you like a sentinel is guarding a gate; I have given you the gift of My Love, espousing you to Me, so I shall make sure that no intruder trespasses upon My property; My property, now I have turned into a garden where I can go to, and rest; allow Me to breathe in you, allow Me to accomplish My Works in you; be docile and accept Me your Master and King; Love is My Name, come to Me to eat from My Hand; 1 I shall feed you till the end;  October 24, 1990 My heart wants to serve Your Greatness, but I am needy and in misery and unable to lift my finger without You. true, for if I was not standing by your side you would not be standing at all; soul! enwrapped in My Light, are you willing to obey My precepts? I am willing to obey Your precepts. come and share My cloak, then; let Me be your Guide and I shall continue to reveal to you the secrets of My Sacred Heart; I shall continue to unfold to you the depths of Heaven; I shall not fail you, soul ... remain poor, needy and fervent for My food; yes, hunger for My Food and desire it; do not be like the rich who do not hunger nor seek My Food; seek the Riches of My Heart; through your nothingness I have revealed My Greatness, through your misery I showed My Mercy, and through 1 Jesus means in this manner with writing which feeds my soul. your frailty, My Strength; I have shown the world now the ardent Flame of the Burning Desires of My Heart; all I want from you now is a return of love; daughter? I tell you truly, you who wish to serve Me, your God, every time you will open your mouth to witness for the Truth, I shall bless you; each time you speak of Me I shall light a fire in you, pray and ask and I shall give more than you have asked; I shall remind you always of My Instructions so that you may repeat My Words; I shall not leave you, I am known to be the All-Faithful; so, My Vassula, allow Me to use you until I come and fetch you; blessed one! 2 remnant of Mine! flower, come to Me in the right spirit and trust Me; will you kiss My Feet? come, take your Master’s Hand and follow Me; October 30, 1990 Vassula, puny little creature, do you know how many thorns you plucked out of My Heart? No, Lord. sufficient to rest Me, sufficient to rest Me, My child; the purpose of your creation was also to rest Me; I have created you and even though you are dust and ashes I find in you a profound rest; accept Me, accept My Cross on you, be grateful to me now; child, look at My Lips and listen to Me carefully: faith, have faith in Me and trust Me; I know your ineffable weakness and that without Me you cannot raise your little finger; this is why I have chosen you; I have chosen weakness to show the world My Power; I 2A thought passed my mind, as to what the Lord will do with me after He fetches me. It was not an intelligent thought. That’s why Jesus, surprised, said: “blessed one!”