True Life in God Messages

470 True Life in God Notebook 47 My Holy Spirit will come to bring Fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already! these are the Times of the Wedding of My Holy Spirit: these are the Times your King of Peace is sending His servants, His angels, His prophets and His Celestial Court to go out to the four corners of the earth and invite His friends to His Banquet and into His Kingdom and offer them His Celestial Manna; I have been sending My messengers in true righteousness all the way to their doorstep to announce My Return, but many of you did not believe them, and treated them as impostors, others would not come because they put honour from men before the honour that comes from Me; since I have invited you and you have refused Me, since I have beckoned and you do not want to take notice, since you have ignored all My supplications and rejected Love’s offer, I shall fill up My House and give My Kingdom to the rejects of your society, to confuse you all; I shall give them back their sight and heal them; I shall open the Doors of My House wide open to let them in; My messengers will call aloud in the streets, and in the public squares, they will be sent by Me to invite the corpses they meet at each street corner, and those who have never been told about Me will see Me, and those who have never heard about Me will listen and understand; I shall be found by those who did not seek Me, like I have revealed My Holy Face to you, daughter, I shall reveal Myself likewise to those who did not consult Me; of My Spirit, you do not want! neither of My Heart, offered to you in My Hand! I tell you this now, before it happens, so that when it does happen you may believe that I Am who I Am: My Kingdom will be taken away from you and it will be given to a people you call contemptible and foolish, the rejects of your society and My House will be rebuilt and risen by those you call simple minds; they, with their love, shall restore the ruins of My House and all that has lain waste, and it is My Holy Spirit who shall shepherd them and console them ... the citadel of the proud shall soon fall into a heap of dust ... Justice shall prevail; pray for these shepherds, pray for their conversion; be blessed, My child, I shall not be long, soon you shall see Me face to face; I Am; October 22, 1990 Vassula, beloved, I am the Holy One in your room; it is I, Jesus; are you happy of My visit? Very! I bless You ...very much, Lord! hold fast to all the teachings I am giving you; let no one deceive you; reap progressively My harvest of kindness and tenderness; I will increase your visions so you may testify in My Name; I shall provide you with words to be able to testify; My daughter, remind the world of My Great Love; this will be the message for all times: peace be with you, I am Jesus, your Redeemer; I am the Holy of Holies who speaks to you; I tell you truly: I shall pour special graces on those who accepted this testimony because, by having accepted this testimony of Love, they are attesting the truthfulness and the Infinite Love of the Most High, since all that is written comes from Me; beloved ones, I give My Spirit without reserve; I give My Spirit to remind the world over and over again of My affection and the great love I have for you; I give My Spirit without reserve to