True Life in God Messages

Notebook 47 True Life in God 469 prayers He can relent; you can embellish My Church; you can bring together My People under My Name to celebrate Mass around one altar; you can repair their shepherd’s staff, this staff they broke first in half, then into splinters; for men this unity appears impossible, but for Me everything is possible; so pray and expiate for your brothers; I need victim souls; I need generous souls to repay evil with love, to repay evil with self-sacrifice; so offer Me your will and I shall make you My instruments of Peace and Love; I shall make you My instruments of Reconciliation and Unity; Lord, our own apostasies are rebuking us. Forgive us and help us to make reparations. Bring us back in the love of our bridal days, the early days, and remind us of the affection we once had in our youth for You. Do not allow anymore any evil to overcome us. yes, offer Me your prayers and I shall restore My House which is your House too; be loyal and this special favour will be granted to you; like in the transfiguration, I shall transfigure My Church to have all the radiant glory of Her youth, in Her bridal days; I will do all these things for the sake of My Holy Name, I shall unite you to demonstrate My Power; Lord, there are other things too. I asked You this before but I would like to ask You again and I do not know how to say it! I shall open your mouth and you shall speak! 1 Lord, have You not said that the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, will teach us everything and remind us of all You have said to us? 1Suddenly a flow of words came out of me. Then doesn’t Scripture say: “in the Church God has given the first place to apostles, the second to prophets,” 2 and doesn’t Scripture say: “there is a remnant, chosen by grace. By grace, you notice, nothing therefore to do with good deeds, or grace would not be grace at all!” 3 and last doesn’t Scripture say: “at all your meetings let everyone be ready with a psalm or a sermon or a revelation”. 4 So why Lord, nowadays, are most of the prophetic or private revelations looked upon by some priests with contempt? With one eye instead of the two? And why are some priests and bishops even attacking with contempt Your Messages? in reality, My child, they are wrestling against Me; because they are suppressing the Advocate, daughter, these people are not objecting to you; no, My angel, they are not; they are objecting to Me, not to you; if they ignore you, My flower, it is because you have grown in the middle of their desert; they will not water you so that you wither and fade away; they keep forgetting, though, that I Am your Devout Keeper; Vassula, I shall remind you of the parable of the wedding feast; 5 daughter, many are called, but few are chosen; to believe is a grace given by Me; to have faith is also a grace given by Me; these are the Times of Grace and Mercy; these are the Times in which My Holy Spirit is poured out upon you; these are the Times when My Holy Spirit shall lift you out of your great apostasy, to wed you; your era’s wretchedness shall peel off you; because with My Own Hand I shall unwrap your death shroud to clothe you in the garments of your wedding; feel My delight, My Vassula! feel how I already rejoice at this coming event! 2 1 Cor. 12:28. 3Romans 11:5-6. 4 1 Co. 14:26. 5Mt. 22:1-14.