True Life in God Messages

Notebook 46 True Life in God 467 watching over you; and you, would you in your turn return His Love? offer Him your heart and your will; – many of you have forgotten God’s ways, you have been drifted away, like taken by a current in a lake, into a pool of lethargy; polluted with materialism, your course changed direction and from holiness and the rightful Path you have been led right into the devil’s nets and into the lion’s mouth! you have not followed the marks of the Precious Blood Jesus left behind Him as a signpost for you to follow; no, you have followed the polluted directions Satan put up for you; directions leading all to the desert where there would be no one to care for your sores, and no one to console you; and where you would die; your generation failed to appreciate God’s great Love; this is why your lands are set aflame by egoism, by godlessness and by the fury of Satan; and still to this day his hand is raised to strike you and set aflame all the nations; because of your atheism and your perversity you have wrapped yourselves in the shroud of death; you have wrapped your beloved ones in a cloud of flint; I call in agony from above, to you all to make peace with God, to reconcile with your families; when you come and pray in pilgrimages do you come with a clean heart? have you ceased to do evil? are you in peace with your neighbour? have you confessed and repented truly of your sins? have you blessed your enemies and forgiven them? have you repaid evil with love? are you indeed ready to meet the Lord with your hands full of good works? – bless those who persecute you, and pray for them, do not judge them; keep on praying, for what use are your offerings when your heart is unforgiving, holding grudges? where is your holiness then? purify yourselves and live in the Light of God and in the Love of God; be a true witness of the Gospel by the warmth and glow of light in your heart; be a witness for Jesus by bearing His Cross with Him; be a witness for the Church by being constant in your faith and by being united with Christ’s Vicar; never allow your tongues to slip; be perfect as the Lord is perfect; let it show that you are indeed the first-fruits of God’s great Love; let every eye witness your good behaviour and know that it is because you are children of the Most High; let the marks of His Five Wounds be noticed on your body too, let these be the Sign to show you are His pupils and He, your Divine Master; live Our Messages and be like grains to spread them; let your cry of love go out through all the earth and to the ends of the world; I bless each one of you, and I thank you for giving Me your time; go in peace; October 17, 1990 Jesus, you have told us in these books many things before they happen, so that when they do happen we may believe. You have told us how you will resurrect my sister Russia, and how You will make an end of her atheism. And look! On the 14th, St Basil’s Church in Red Square opened her doors for You! And I, her sister rushed to her that day, to rejoice her feast! But what I got from her was a slap on my face ... Your servant and brother of mine whom I love, struck me. – Your servant refused to bless me, because he said I was going to our brothers, the Catholics, and receiving from their hand Holy Communion. Am I to feel ashamed before You, my Lord? This would have been an affliction I could bear had it not been for worse to come. He said: “This means excommunication!” You had given me a sign before this happened, making me feel Your sorrow by turning my mouth, just before, dryer than wood, and my lips dryer than parchment.