True Life in God Messages

466 True Life in God Notebook 46 for these Cains; do not judge them, spend your time with prayers for them, do not allow your tongue to slip; – do not be one of these who say to My seers: “see no visions” and to My prophets: “do not prophesy”; let My Imperial Court prepare for Me My Way; no prophecy ever came from man’s initiative; when My seers and prophets speak for Me, it is by Grace that they do and by My Holy Spirit that fills them, moves them and opens their mouth to repeat My Words; and I shall continue recalling you the Truth, by my mouthpieces, even if you know the Truth; I shall keep revealing My plans to My servants the prophets and show My Magnificence in visions to My seers; leave My elect and My predilected souls free to prepare the Way for Me your King; let them complete their witnessing; I am sending you My Celestial Court to prophesy for these end of Times in the wilderness of your era, to convert you before My Great Day comes; realise that I do not descend only for Mercy but also for Judgement; I do not tell My messengers to call only the just, I tell them to call also the unjust, the poor, the lame, the rejects of your society, and everyone they meet in the streets, to come and fill up My school; I want to call all those who never sought Me nor ever knew Me, to come and prosper in My House, for these are the Times of Mercy and of Grace; then let all those who see you, gaze and stare at your transfiguration, let it show on your faces and by the glow of your heart that you have been attending My School and that you are My pupils and I, your Master; let them see in your eyes the reflection of everything you have witnessed, let them see on your body the marks of My Wounds; and if anyone asks you how you received them, tell them that you received them in the House of your Master’s friends where He at first received them ... then lift up your cross and follow Me; I, Jesus Christ, Beloved Son of God and Saviour, blow My Breath on you and bless you all leaving the Sigh of My Love on your foreheads; go in peace and be one in My Name;  (Message of our Blessed Mother.) peace be with you; incense of God, take courage for I am with you; I am with you and with My innumerable angels I surround you, to protect you; I come down with the saints to guide you; I am the Queen of Heaven; I am the Queen of Peace; I am the Mother of your Saviour; I am the One who precedes the Lord’s coming; I am the One who opened a broad highway for your Redeemer to descend on earth, and today again, the Most High is sending Me to make smooth and level a Path for His Return; although Satan uses men to delay My Work and put obstacles in its midst, do not fear; the Lord is Almighty and in the end Our Hearts will prevail; rely on His massive Strength for He can uproot mountains and melt the rocks; nothing can stop His Powerful Hand; – what do you see above you? look above your heads what the Lord is raising; the Lord is raising over you the Banner of His Great Love and Mercy; He is coming to restore you with His caresses and feed you with delights; He is coming to fragrance you with His delicate perfume of Myrrh; He is coming to soothe your wounds with His balm of Tenderness; He is coming down to pour out His oil on you generation and anoint you; the King will bring you into His Rooms to console you and wipe away your tears; like the pupil of His Eye He is