True Life in God Messages

Notebook 46 True Life in God 465 the way see it as God's power to save” 1 and it is this Language I am coming to teach you, it is this Language of Love you will hear in My school; and you, you who are willing to learn, be blessed, be strong and happy; though obstacles are bound to come, do not fear, rely on Me; but alas for the one who provides them, he shall have to answer Me in the Day of Judgement! My Return is imminent, and I am giving you constant signs to prepare you; Love is on the Path of return, I am on My way back to you; – tell Me, when a king enters into a city, will there be no preparations to receive him? the whole city will be in turmoil and the king will send before him his elect and his imperial court to prepare a way for him and make his paths straight; he will send his messengers to announce his coming; he will ask them to shout with a loud voice: “here is your King, your King is coming with His Heart in His Hand to offer It to you! Mercy now leans down from heaven and from His Throne; He has taken pity on you;” this is why, before My Return, I am sending you, before Me, the Ark of Alliance, I am sending you the Woman of the Apocalypse, the second Eve, who will crush the serpent’s head with her heel; I am sending you, before Me: My Mother, to open a broad highway and level it in this desert; I am sending you the Queen of Heaven, the Door to Heaven, to prepare you, and to school all you who still lie in the dust, to come forward and make your peace with Me, your King, before My Great Return; I am sending you the Queen of Peace to thresh from one corner of the earth to the other and gather you one by one; I am sending you, before My Great Return, My servants the prophets, to 1 1 Co. 1:18. remind you of My Law and to turn you back from your evil ways and live holy, and announce to you events before they take place; I am sending you My angels to remind you of My Holiness, My Magnificence and My Splendour; I am sending you My mouthpieces to shout and proclaim on the rooftops of your houses the Wedding of My Holy Spirit; I will not grow weary of calling you to wed Me; I will not get discouraged by your hostility nor by your aridity; I will be in pursuit of your heart and like a young man marrying a virgin, the One whom you wounded all along will wed you; and I, in My Love, shall make you replace the Thorns encircling My Heart, by a flowered Wreath; and like a bridegroom wearing his wedding wreath, I too shall wear it, because this wreath will be My Wreath of Victory; this will be the Prize of My Mercy ... generation, I shall make you Mine; I shall lift you up and carry you as a bridegroom carries his bride into his rooms, and in My everlasting Love I shall carry you into My Sacred Heart and make you Mine for eternity; soon, very soon now I shall tear the heavens open and come down in full force! if you were to understand fully what I mean, you would not spend your time being lethargic, you would be in constant prayer to Me; for suddenly and as quick as thunderbolt, I shall descend in flame of devouring fire and unveil all that has been hidden from you; I shall with My Finger point out to you all those that honoured Me with lip-service, never serving Me with the language I had taught them: the Language of My Cross, the Language of Love, the Language that teaches you things beyond human understanding; I shall reveal to you the Cains, whose language is not My Language but this one of rich merchants and trade; pray