True Life in God Messages

Notebook 46 True Life in God 463 every day upon you; I am pouring out continuously from My Heart, My Love like flowing rivers to water your desert and revive you; it is not I who forced you to dwell in darkness; it is not My wish to watch from above how you wall yourselves in and imprison your souls in the darkest dungeons; My desire is to bring you Home in peace; My desire is to make out of your deserts and parched lands, green pastures, to fill you; Vassula, all My Messages are prayers; read and write down Romans 8:26-27: The Spirit too comes to help us in our weakness. For when we cannot choose words in order to pray properly, the Spirit himself expresses our plea in a way that could never be put to words, and God who knows everything in our hearts knows perfectly well what he means, and that the pleas of the saints expressed by the Spirit are according to the mind of God. meditate upon this ... I love you, repeat after me this: Jesus, neither death, nor life, no angel, no prince, nothing that exists, nothing still to come, not any power, or height or depth, nor any created thing, will ever come1 to separate me from You, I vow to remain faithful to You; this is my solemn vow; help me keep this vow forever and ever; amen; (I repeated what Jesus gave me.) (Later on:) 1Romans 8:38-39. soul, pray, this means, speak to Me! do not ignore My Omnipresence just because the tempter keeps tempting you; hear Me, resist, resist him; come now, I shall manifest Myself again through you; if you submit to Me humbly and allow My Spirit to rest on you in My hours of My Passion;  your Jesus; I Am; October 1, 1990 My Vassula, it is I, the Lord, feel Me, I am near you, discern Me; 2 I am sharing My Cross with you, My Crown of Thorns and My Nails; I have chosen you out of the land of the dead and revived you in My Heart to make you the victim of My Insatiable Love, and make you an atonement for many souls who prefer to remain divided and differentiate themselves under My Sacred Name; I am sharing My sufferings and My grief with you, daughter; console Me and I will console you; Vassula, My child, I have raised you to appease My Justice, I have raised you to delight My Soul; do not fear then, My child; My Father has found favour in you for all that you are not; you have no merits, none at all, but I favoured you in spite of your wretchedness, for My Loyalty and My Gentleness are without measure; sacrifice more, My child; – incense and myrrh of Mine! how I love you! I shall make you zealous for Me, your God, and loyal to My Commandments; I shall anoint you with My oil; O property of Mine, live in Me and allow Me to live in you! I am He 2There, Jesus touched my arm.