True Life in God Messages

462 True Life in God Notebook 46 lean down to you; come to the Lord without delay; lift your eyes to Heaven and look to no one else but Him, the Lord your God; delight in no one else but Him, your Saviour; seek, seek no one else but the Lord, your Redeemer; sing, sing to no one, but to the Holy One; am I to remind you that the Lord is Tenderness and Compassion, slow to anger and rich in Graciousness? – Jesus was the Stone rejected by the builders that became the Keystone; I tell you truly, that the Kingdom of God is among you and His Holy Spirit of Grace is blowing sweetly now on your nations, to revive you; so come and see the Wedding of the Holy Spirit who will wed your lands; do not reject the Holy Spirit that so manifestly is poured upon you; do not be like the “builders” who rejected the stone that turned to be the cornerstone; God wants everyone to be saved, and now this is My solemn warning to all who hear the prophecies of this book: do not suppress the Spirit, the Spirit that now blows on you in the middle and in the peak of your apostasy; do not say later on, on Judgement Day: “I had never heard, I had not known;” Jesus and I are revealing things beforehand, before they happen, so that you cannot say when you meet God face to face: “I was unaware ...” – ... the citadel of the proud shall fall ... and the devils shall be cast out from within her womb; – may you be blessed; may you all be blessed, for hearing Me; I am your beloved Mother, the Theotokos who loves you all; September 28, 1990 Jesus? I am; lean on Me, lean on My Shoulder; as I came to you and lifted you from the pit and carried you to My House where I healed you, so will I continue to help your feet to be in the Righteous Path; let your hands clutch on Me; I know you to be faint-hearted1 but I shall make you strong to oppose evil; – ah creation! Mercy now descends before Judgement; welcome My Mercy now and My Spirit shall rest on you; approach Me, you who desire Me, and take your fill from My Inexhaustible Wells of Life; for they who eat Me will hunger for more and they who drink Me will thirst for more; 2 and I, like Manna, will replenish your soul; and like a potter, shall form you into what you have lost: My Divinity; – then I shall show you My Kingdom and I will send you Wisdom to teach you My Knowledge of My Holy things, and I shall make you Mine forever and ever; you will be My sons and daughters, glorifying Me together with My Assembly in Heaven; then I shall send you out like mist, to display like one displays a banner: My Knowledge you received from Wisdom Herself, to teach others to grow upright in purpose and learning, so that generation after generation My Holy Name may be kept Holy; your descendants would have a rich inheritance born of you, and thanks to My Infinite Mercy, so will your children’s children; and in the future, the nations will know the meaning of the Fear of the Lord; My favours are not all past, My favours are inexhaustible, filling every valley, and My Tenderness is renewed 1Jesus was smiling. 2Si. 24:21.