True Life in God Messages

Notebook 46 True Life in God 461 that passes, more and more of My shepherds are being taken by the world and the lure of riches; they are aping Wisdom and when Grace comes to them at their feet they refuse this Grace; they do not want to receive Grace in return for grace; there is a division in My Church; like Cain and Abel, brothers, yet divided; one blood, yet different; Abel was competent but Cain, incompetent; one was sincere, the other not; one was well disposed and pleasing, the other one was ill-disposed and displeasing Me; and today My Abels who officiate in My Church, suffer ... they suffer because they see that their own brothers are betraying Me; this is the plague that weighs heavily on My shepherds and makes this brotherhood broken and divided; happy the man who keeps My Commandments, for he shall feel My appeasing Love; happy the peacemakers when they work for peace, they shall be called sons of Mine; soon Love shall be with you, this is why there must be constancy in My Abels who keep My Commandments and keep their faith in Me; My Vassula, I shall give you the rest1 later on; be persevering in your prayers and be thankful, delight your Father who is in Heaven; do not fear ... I am with you; Love’s Eyes are on you; Jesus is My Name;  Alleluia! September 24, 1990 peace be with you; Vassula, I shall never fail you; prolong your prayers to Me, this pleases My Heart; say: 1The rest of a certain passage of the Bible He wanted to teach me. “Jesus, You who saved Me, be blessed; Jesus, You who feed Me, be blessed; Jesus, I love You, teach Me how to love you more; amen” caress Me with simple words, yet coming from your heart; ah, My beloved! bless Me without cease; rest in My Heart and console Me as I console you; this, My Vassula, is what I need now; September 25, 1990 (Our Holy Mother’s Message to us all.) peace be with you, beloved children; allow Me to remind you that the Lord knows each heart; the Lord is in search of your heart; come to Him with a pure heart and He shall teach you; the Lord shall comfort your soul, He shall lead you in His Path and in the Truth; I beg you, you who still waver, do not shut your hearts to reason; return to the Lord and He will return to you; a Joy from Heaven will now descend among you, a Light will shine in the midst of you; be prepared to receive this Light, be prepared to meet the Lord; – today, whose hands are clean? and who can say truly, his heart is pure? whose soul is in perfect harmony with the Lord? beloved ones! My own! My children ... the road to the Lord is in the midst of you, it is found in the land of the living; stretch out, then, your hands towards His Sanctuary, and the Lord, from Heaven, will reach to pull you to Him; stretch out your hands towards Him and He, full of Compassion, will