True Life in God Messages

460 True Life in God Notebook 46 ah, My child, how I longed to hear you say again these words to Me! how I long to hear these words from everyone’s heart! September 20, 1990 Lord? I am; come and console Me, come and comfort Me, rest Me; I have created you so that I may be the One and only in your heart; I have created you to remove My thorns that penetrated My Body; I have created you to be the victim of My Heart; I love you to passion; accept My Love, accept My Knowledge, accept the trials with patience and do not look on them with disdain; I have accepted My Cross with great Love, with obedience and I drank My Cup to its last drop, out of Love and to please the Father in Heaven; I am only disciplining you in moderation, My daughter; if you listen to Me you will learn; My Eyes are constantly watching you, guarding you and blessing you; I am He who loves you most, so do not fear, My daughter, Vassula; do not dread My discipline which will orient you in My direction, showing you the magnificence of My Works, their Splendour and the Riches of My Heart and the Consuming Fire of My Love; have I ever failed you? have I ever resisted your calls when you needed Me? – blessed nations, blessed people, blessed creation! then how is it you resist My Love and have gone astray to become an easy prey for Satan, allowing yourselves to call My Name in vain? the spirit who is in you, generation, is a rebellious spirit, ruling you all to live a sensual life, an aimless life, a godless life, thus interchanging holiness with perversion; oh generation! where is the Sign between Me and you? what have you done with It? where is your faith in Me? how have you allowed to bring yourselves to give Me up? have you not heard before that the nearer you come to Me, the nearer I will come to you? keep your eyes fastened on Me without looking to your left nor to your right; let Me one day say: “My child, welcome into your Father’s House; you have been an appeasing fragrance to Me; you have kept My Law and lived holy; you have been fruitful and you have nourished the poor; come then, My child, thrust yourself into your Father’s Arms and live forever and ever in My Heart;”  September 21, 1990 My beloved Yahweh, make us once more divine, renew us; fashion us into Your Divine Image; this Holy Image we lost. My Vassula, I shall hear your pleas and like I have rained down on you My Blessings, I shall cover this earth with splendid vestments, clothing her in glorious perfection, and make her people fall on their faces to the ground, in adoration to Me; but first I must descend My Purifying Fire upon this generation; I must descend to pull out the foxes from their lairs that make havoc of every new vineyard; I have told you this now before it happens, so that when it happens you may believe; like rousing a corpse from death, I shall resurrect this earth’s decaying body into a glorious body, transfiguring you, from priest to layman, into a divine people; today, your generation lacks faith and refuses to believe in Me, and every day