True Life in God Messages

458 True Life in God Notebook 46 ecumenism: the Lance’s Blade which lies deep in My Sacred Heart and causes so much bleeding ... by sword they will force you to eat their defiled food: a portion of Rationalism one day and a portion of Naturalism the other day, and so on; aping the Truth, My Word, Wisdom and the language of My Cross; but fire will come on them from Heaven and consume him and his clan; this is sure and will come true; I am telling you all these things, beloved ones, so as to warn you from these false teachers and human doctrines, and to tell you that in these coming days of tribulations, My Sacred Heart, which is on Fire, will continue to pursue you; as the beggar hoping for alms, I too will be hoping to win your heart before the coming of darkness befalls you; I bless each one of you, leaving My Sigh of Love sealed on your forehead; I, Jesus Christ, Beloved Son of God and Saviour, leave you with My Peace wholeheartedly; I love you Infinitely, be one;  September 18, 1990 My Lord, You who guard me from evil and surround my soul with Your love Songs, let Your Holy Face smile on all who love You. Teach the youth of today to follow You and imitate You. Show them the Treasures of Your Sacred Heart and teach those who still do not understand and waver undecidedly before this Holy Name You have chosen: Sacred Heart, to learn that it is You, the Christ let those who keep on differentiating themselves because of theological terminology, yet are under Your Holy Name, come back to their senses and realise how they encourage this Division in Christianity, and how they are not doing Your Will, but are granting Satan one more foothold to keep us apart, thus weakening Your Church; You are Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of God and Saviour, The Sacred Heart, The Word, The Alpha and the Omega, The Light, The Redeemer, The Panto-Crator: You are ONE Christ. You are not parcelled out! so I pray to You, who want us to be united to unite us again in love, in heart, in our belief and practice. this, My child, is what you are to teach them to believe and persuade them to do; but, My child, there will be those who will not listen, because of their selfconceit; these people lie heavily on My Heart, they lack humility and true Wisdom, they are only full of antagonistic beliefs of the knowledge which is not knowledge at all when it comes to judge, condemn, and argue about words, raising without cease questions; yet never realising that they are a prey to the Tempter; oh, My child, bear those hardships for My Sake, all these are not in vain: one day you will see the Light face to face ... come and feast now in My Love and My Tenderness, repose your head on My Heart and listen to the calls of Love; rejoice in Me, rejoice in My Splendour and My Riches; I have stored this Wealth for you, generation, to lead you to Me with chains of Love; and if you ask: “how long until this Wonder takes place?” I will tell you it is already taking place; My Footsteps have been heard by