True Life in God Messages

456 True Life in God Notebook 45 subtly hidden under a false ecumenism ... but I promise you, My child, that I shall prevail in the end; I will overpower these false teachers of your era and I will give you the hidden treasures of My Sacred Heart, putting on your tongue the language of My Cross which is Love, with all Its Mysteries and Miracles and Wonders! then I shall remind My shepherds of the words “leadership and service”; I will command them that they should not be like great men, making their authority felt among the poor; no, anyone who would want to be great among the poor must be their servant, and anyone who would want to be first among them must be least, just as I came on earth not to be served but to serve, and to give My Life as a ransom for many; – and you, little child, do not fear Me; 1 I shall keep My Light inside you, forever and ever! pray for the salvation and the conversion of your era; I bless you; bless Me and love Me;  September 12, 1990 Jesus? I am; peace be with you, flower; write down My Message for all parts of the world: peace be with you; children of My Heart, realise how Heaven is opening every day to you with My Grace, to give you calls, for conversions ... reminders of My Word ... instructions to teach you to follow My Commandments; Heaven is opening Its Doors daily in several places of the world to bring you Peace and Love; and Wisdom with all Her Glory descends on a Throne right in 1 I was afraid Jesus was upset with me. the middle of you all, to open the eyes of the blind, to open the ears of the deaf and to resurrect the dead who litter this desert; no, Wisdom will not show Herself to a crafty soul; She will come to instruct only the poor and the simple and pour out all Her Works on them, for these very souls know how to fear Me, the Lord, and cherish My Word; what greater gift then than bringing Her all the way to your doorstep? what greater joy than Her smile on you? what greater delight than hear Her sing to you Her New Song of Love? rejoice then creation! for I Am at your very doors ... this Joy had been reserved for your times, generation, when Satan and all his empire together with his worldwide authority are escalating to the peak of their power in My Church and in all nations, together with the false prophet, whose footsteps you hear clearer and clearer every day and everywhere; they are armed to the teeth to make war against My Church and all those who obey My Commandments; I have reserved, beloved children, for your times, this Celestial Manna given by My Spirit; it is this hidden manna2 I had reserved for times of wilderness and iniquity; it is the food of the poor and those who are starved, and I promise you, they will receive as much as they want to eat and to them I shall confer My New Name; it is this Heavenly Food I am pouring from Heaven, it is the outpouring of My Holy Spirit, filling your interior desert; it is Love speaking to a hostile world; it is Love knocking on every locked door; it is Love calling from the other side of the Wall separating us, built up by My enemies; it is Love pleading as a beggar for: a return of love ... a smile ... a regret ... a sigh ... it is I: the Sacred Heart; 2See Rv. 2: Pergamum, v.17.