True Life in God Messages

Notebook 45 True Life in God 453 they will throw you down into the pit and you will die a violent death surrounded by the seas; are you still going to parade as the High Priest clad in silver and gold? are you still going to say: I am a god, a Prophet, when your murderers confront you? no, you are a man, and not a god, in the clutches of your murderers! and you will die like the godless at the hand of the foreigners; “you were once an exemplar of perfection, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty; you were in Eden, in the garden of God, in the Core of My Sanctuary, but your busy trading has filled you with violence and sin; you have corrupted your wisdom owing to your splendour; by the immense number of your sins, by the dishonesty of your trading, you have defiled My Sanctuary;” then read Apocalypse 18; – now sentence is being passed on this world; now the prince of this world is soon to be overthrown; the second beast alias the False Prophet, the “high priest”, the Lance, the jackals, are all one and the same; He is the one who armoured himself to the teeth to make war on My Law1 and on My prophets; 2 he and his clan are the jackals I have mentioned to you in My previous Messages; – I have grown weary of him and his whole clan, and I take no pleasure in punishing; I wanted to redeem them, adopting them as sons of Mine, but they allowed themselves to be bought by rich merchants who will fall with them; feel My sorrow, feel My grief, feel My pain; they are idolaters of money ... My God, come and rest in the hearts of Your Abels, those who really love You; maybe they are few and not many, but they are Your saints who endure trials, they are the people who love You, 1Alias Moses. 2Alias Elijah: Rv. 11:1-13. they are those who have constancy and faith, they are Your companions, they are Your first-fruits who never allowed a lie to pass their lips; I offer You these so that You may rest in them. I will rest My Head in the hearts of My devout children (the saints of your era); come, love Me, console My Heart; and repair for those who are depriving entire nations from My Love by building a wall between Me and My children – I have never deprived a soul from My Love – pray, My Vassula, without cease; many will be cleansed by prayers; many will be purged by sacrifices and fasting; do not linger; time is pressing, bless Me more; efface the world’s iniquity by giving Me and showing Me more love; ah Vassula, My daughter, please Me and tell Me these words: Jesus teach me to love you tenderly, give this grace to those who do not love You and do not know the Consuming Fire of Your Sacred Heart; amen; August 17, 1990 I come to You, my Yahweh, to ask You to forgive my sins. Lord, listen to my pleading, I know You do forgive us and overlook all our sins. I forgive you, I forgive you rather than let My wrath strike you ... desolate and uninhabited you were; you were famous for your desert; you were like a garden without water and I, like a watercourse running into a garden came to you to irrigate your soil; I saved you from the clutches of My enemy; the lion has left