True Life in God Messages

452 True Life in God Notebook 45 betrayed by those who shared My Meals, who had bonds with Me, who drank and ate with Me; but very soon now, everything that is covered will be uncovered and what I have said in parables and in metaphors will be made clear; I shall unveil My proverbs and parables to the poor; before this generation has passed away, with My Power and My Glory I shall overthrow the False Prophet; all that Scriptures say must be fulfilled to the iota, this is why I have written everything down so that after the examination of these Messages, you will understand the mark of genuineness in every letter and that these are My Own Words given by My Grace to you all; I have come to revive this flickering flame of love, before the false Prophet blows it away altogether ... (Jesus wept.) ... I weep, I do; he is lodging in My House and instead of offering Me fragrant offerings and sacrifices, he is replacing these by all sorts of evil forms offered to him by the evil one: impurity, promiscuity, injustice, disobedience to My Law, debauchery and drunkenness with the blood of My prophets, My very Own ... without cease his mouth sends his boasts and blasphemies to the four corners of the earth; false blessings and true curses come out of this same mouth; I know all about him, I know him inside out, and I tell you: he shall never reach the place of rest; I, the Lord, shall give you, My child, visions of he who carries on himself the blood of many, and of those who worship him; stay awake, praying at all times for strength to stand with confidence by Me; hear Me: this Rebel’s sins have reached up all the way to Heaven and aroused My entire Justice, followed by an Infinite Grief in My Soul, to have to condemn him and his entire stock; – My Father created them with delight and great Love, and I have loved them and sacrificed Myself to redeem not only the just but the unjust too; I laid down My Life for them, but he and his clan, instead, turned against Me with full conscience to wreck his faith ... (Jesus wept again.) ... and break My Covenant forever and ever ... his aim is to distort the Scriptures from beginning to end and make out of My Word, Truths, Wisdom and the language of My Cross a cymbal clashing, a rational theory, a philosopher’s theory, aping Wisdom, and with these empty teachings nourish a multitude and lead them to their death; – out of his boastful mouth he apes the Good News, he apes My Resurrection and My entire Divinity; ah! the time of your trading is soon over; the merchants that traded with you and supplied you with the best quality of merchandise will be sunk and all people will be horrified at your fate; daughter, read Ezekiel 28; “being swollen with pride, you have said: I am god; I am sitting on the throne of God, surrounded by the seas; though you are a man and not a god, you consider yourself the equal of God; you are wiser now than Danel; there is no sage as wise as you; by your wisdom and your intelligence you have amassed great wealth; you have piles of gold and silver inside your treasure-houses; such is your skill in trading, your wealth has continued to increase, and with this your heart has grown more arrogant ; since you consider yourself the equal of God, very well, I am going to bring foreigners against you, the most barbarous of the nations; “they will draw sword against your fine wisdom, they will defile your glory;