True Life in God Messages

Notebook 45 True Life in God 451 Commandments; if you who praise Me night and day yet covet your neighbours goods, I ask you to repent! if you ask Me: “how am I coveting My neighbour's goods, I, who consecrated My goods to You, my life and everything, how am I coveting his goods?” I will tell you: your spirit is coveting your neighbour’s spirit, and those very gifts that I have given his spirit; the devil has set a trap for your soul, do not fall! where do these wars and battles between yourselves first start in My House, if they are not mainly from spiritual jealousy? Cain wanted something and he did not get it, so he killed Abel; Esau wanted something and he gave up his birthright to get it; you have an ambition you cannot satisfy, so either you ignore your neighbour’s happiness to dissatisfy him, or you go out and are ready to kill; I tell you truly: if at heart you have the bitterness of jealousy, or a self-seeking ambition, never make any claims for yourself or cover up the Truth with lies for wherever you find jealousy and ambition, you find disharmony, hypocrisy and tepidness; do not go on sinning, repent! and do not get influenced by those appointed by the false prophet and are members of Satan’s dwelling; do not listen to them; I shall soon descend with My Throne among you, so come and repent while there is still time; come, you who waver and hesitate between good and evil, and who insinuate yourself into your neighbour’s house in order to get influence over silly women who are obsessed with their sins and follow one craze after another in the attempt to educate themselves, but can never come to knowledge of the Truth; 1 realise how pitiable you are to look at and do not misunderstand My reproofs; realise how I love you; work for My Glory and do not 12 Tm. 3:6-7. look to your left nor to your right; for if you look to your left you will behold ravenous wolves ready to pounce on you and tear you to pieces, and if you look to your right you will see a pit, dug up for you to fall into; be happy then, generation, with what I have given you and share as I share with you; My Fire is imminent and, ah ... so many of you will be unprepared, because your era does not believe; they do not adore Me, they do not hope or love Me; your generation has replaced The Truth and My Commandments by blasphemies; Love is missing among you; you do not live a life of love, nor have you understood what: “the Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom” means; if you fear Me, you are blessed; if you fear Me, you can attain perfection; if you fear Me, I will intoxicate you with My sweet Wine and fill you with My produce; if you fear Me, you will live in Peace; if you fear Me, Wisdom will come all the way to your doorstep; if you fear Me, you will obey fervently My Commandments, not changing one stroke from Them; so I recommend you all not to live with a double heart; infuse your soul with My Divine Grace now that there is still time; repent while there is still time; come back to Me while there is still time; do not heap your sin on sin; alas! for those stubborn souls who shut their ears on these last warnings, what will you do on My Return? I am known to be Faithful and True2 and I tell you: Justice shall prevail; do not be bewildered, My child, do not stand mystified with what I have given you to write, for it has been foretold that in your days, My Church would be betrayed, by one who was My very own, just like Juda, and Her apostasy would come from within Her; I would be 2Rv. 19:12.