True Life in God Messages

450 True Life in God Notebook 45 regulations which were poison food to all of you and forced by the sword upon you, to defile My Divinity and My Holiness; this shall be the first battle of the end; I Am: the Majestic Rider; 1 I Am: the Word; if this earth mourns, pining away and its trees have no produce and their leaves are withering, it is because you are not obeying My Law; – have I not said: you shall not give false witness or testimony? yet from the core of My Sanctuary where lies the lance’s blade, 2 where among My Abels are the Cains too, this Commandment is not obeyed too; Cain’s appointed priests are sent out now to the four corners of the earth, not to bear witness on Me as the Resurrected, nor on My Sacrifice, but to condemn My Word by aping Scriptures, and to teach all nations a False Christ, under a false ecumenism, giving the world a portion of Rationalism and Naturism, a defiled food: a Lie; I tell you, they shall not prove victorious nor will they rule forever: Justice will prevail! I shall not leave you to prosper forever since I know all about you and how by the power of the dragon you are appointing your own priests placing them into high seats to crush and overcome My own priests; I tell you: the time is almost over; I will drag you from your high seat to fall at the feet of My own priests, My saints and My angels, and make you admit that you are the slave of the beast ... soon, very soon, I shall come to you like a thief, unexpected, and overthrow the Lie, your False Christ, and place back The Truth; I shall soon come to shatter this false image you are making out of Me, compelling every nation to honour it; 3 no, victorious you shall not be! 1Rv. 19:11. 2The false prophet. 3Rv. 13:16. daughters and sons of Mine, you who err aimlessly in this desert, return to Me, repent! sin no more; I know you have many a time testified wrongly for lack of love, but you were not under your shepherd’s protection to be taught My precepts, because of your hostility towards Me; yet, in spite of your arrogance and your hostility towards Me, I cry out to you: I love you! and My forgiveness has been granted to you already; come back to Me as you are and I shall dress you with My Divinity; I shall give you back your divinity for the sake of My Holy Name; – you want to testify? testify on My great Love and Mercy; you want to bear witness? bear witness in My Name: Jesus Christ, Beloved Son of God and Saviour; love one another as I love you; rejoice, you who have been given My hidden manna and have already received the Seal of My Love on your forehead; – from Heaven I have commanded you not to covet your neighbour’s goods nor your neighbour’s wife, from laity to priests this Commandment has not been kept either; I have revealed My Love for every creature on earth with My Sacrifice, and through this Sacrifice gave you eternal life and My Message of Love; many of you preach love, forgiveness, humility, tolerance, holiness, over and over again, yet to this day many of you are ready to kill because you do not get what you want; you keep on throwing venomous arrows on each other, because you do not have what I have given your neighbour; from the time of My Abel to this day this sin is constantly repeated; the first man to covet his brother’s goods was Cain, but how many more Cains are there today? and how many more Esaus? motivated by convenience and nothing else he gave up his birthright, falling into apostasy; why not follow Abel’s example and be holy? to love is to live holy and according to My