True Life in God Messages

Notebook 45 True Life in God 449 your God you will be able to acknowledge My Law, and thus follow it, but many of you failed and now your corpses litter this desert ... I have not commanded you to sin, so why use your freedom in a way that proves a pitfall for your soul? pray to Me so that I may forgive you, otherwise you would be a loser; marriage is to be honoured and kept holy; I am the Lord, and I have called you to a life of devotion, of peace, love and holiness; I have called you to Myself forever, I called you to betroth you with My Tenderness and My Love; and not until you understand that you are Mine and My betrothed, will you stop sinning and committing adultery towards Me; I will not cease, for the sake of My Holy Name, to take all means to bring you back to your senses, even if I must drag you out into the wilderness and expose you there to My Sacred Heart and Its Fathomless Riches, to make you understand the nakedness and wretchedness of your soul; then, like a scroll, I shall unroll to you all My Knowledge so that you renounce your sin; I have the power to cure you, so come and repent! My Holy Spirit asks you not to steal; if you call yourself Mine and if you know My Law and claim to be in the Truth, then why not teach yourself, you who ordained yourself as priest1 as well as others, not to steal? but you have allowed yourself to be bought and follow subtly the beast, who taught you to set banners of lawlessness; you are of the world and I have much to condemn you for; your tongue proudly claims that you do great things, good things, honest things, deceiving even the elect with your lamb’s mask; but I tell you: you do not deceive Me, because I know that behind your lamb’s mask, you hide a 1Follower of the beast: the false prophet. hideous catastrophe for mankind such as the world has never seen before: your aim is to abolish My Sacrifice2 and replace It by Iniquity and with a Lie; you profess to be a Prophet to disown My own prophets; have you no fear to have your name blotted out of the book of life, since all you do is steal millions of souls from Me leading them to their death? – your miracles impress many today and even more on the day you will get rid of My prophets, overcoming them3 by your sword; now you have armoured yourself to the teeth to make war on them because their witnessing disturbs your ears, and their obedience to My Commandments even more; they have not followed you nor the beast, they are the ones who have kept faithful to Me and have never allowed a lie to pass their lips; 4 they are My Abels; in the eyes of the world you will appear to have overcome them, but your joy will be only for a very short time, because like thunderbolt I shall let My Justice overpower you; I shall descend to breathe again life in them, 5 raising them before your very eyes, as columns of light in My Sanctuary ... and then heaven will open and you will see Me, 6 and if you will ask Me: why are your rich garments stained with crimson? why are your garments red, your clothes as if you had trodden the winepress? 7 I shall tell you: I have trodden the winepress alone; of the men of My people not one was with Me; I have trampled upon My enemies in My wrath; they never ceased defying Me and provoking Me; I have come to efface from the surface of this earth all human doctrines and 2Dn. 12:11. 3Rv. 11:8. 4Rv. 14:5. 5Rv. 11:11. 6 The Great Sign: the Sign of the Son of Man (Mt. 24:30). 7 Is. 63:2.