True Life in God Messages

448 True Life in God Notebook 45 him recalls him no longer; for these, I say: “you may sharpen your sword, but the weapon you prepared will kill you; now you are not pregnant with child but with iniquity; you are going to conceive Spite and you will give birth to Mishap; you have dug a pit, hollowed it out, only to fall into your own trap! your spite will recoil on your head and your brutality will fall back on your head;” 1 and you, 2 you who are reputed to be faithful to Me and hold firmly to My Name, I know all about you; yes, you are reputed to be alive and thriving and yet you are not, you are dead and decomposing; repent! I had entrusted you with souls beyond number; but the devil traded with you to exchange them for his gold and silver; yes, indeed! I know how you live now, you live like jackals3 in hidden lairs, 4 these lairs upon which I shall run an open highway; 5 I shall come suddenly upon you and expose your nakedness, and when the Day comes I shall not allow you to eat from the tree of Life; listen carefully: you preach against killing, yet you kill My Spirit; you boast about the Law, then disobey it because you have not understood the mystery of My hidden manna; no, you have not yet understood My miraculous feedings, nor the mystery of My Transfiguration; I have promised you to keep you alive in the end of Times with My Celestial Manna; I said to My church in Pergammum: “to those who prove victorious I will give the hidden manna and a white stone – a stone with a New Name written on it, known only to man 1Ps. 7:12-16. 2 Here Jesus calls out to the false prophet with a lamb’s mask. 3 The once faithful ones ‘sold’ themselves to Satan and follow the beast. 4The lodges of the Freemasons. 5That is: God will overthrow these lodges. who receives it;” 6 I am today offering you this manna reserved for your times, a Celestial food, a nourishment of My Spirit for your starved spirit; I pour out My Spirit in its fullness to fill up your interior desert, and I am offering you My celestial manna, free, for this is the food of the poor ... but you have not understood ... so you refuse to eat it and forbid others from eating it; I have already inscribed My New Name on the “white stone” which will be known only to the poor; you claim to be humble and poor – yet you are neither humble nor poor – your spirit is enthroned in the riches of Satan; – I am the Ruler of the kings of the earth and I have asked you not to commit any impure acts or adultery; adultery has been refined in such a way by Satan, that it lost its meaning both in ecclesiastical orders and in laity; My endurance in your sin has come now at its end; for those7 who sought Satan’s blasphemous powers and erected them as banners to efface My Divinity and My Holiness, and My Holy Sacrifice, I tell you: it is your fault that My Name is being blasphemed among the godless; you have sullied My Sanctuary by ordaining perverted men with degrading passions; tainted all alike, they do not fear Me; so if the godless today commit adultery and find it natural it is because of the great permissiveness in My Church given under the instructions of the beast whose aim is to falsify the Truth; how is it you forget so easily that your bodies are members of My Body? I would like to see you free from perversion since your bodies are the temple of My Holy Spirit; I, your God, would like to see you live holy since I am Holy; creation! by acknowledging Me as 6Rv. 2:3, 17. 7 Jesus is again referring those who worship the beast.