True Life in God Messages

Notebook 44 True Life in God 447 – I have asked you to remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day, yet you have reversed It with impurity and sullied It with filthy enjoyments and the practices with which you dishonour your own bodies and minds since you have given up divine Truth for a lie and worship and serve creatures instead of serving Me; you have made Sodom and Gomorrah appear almost faultless and pure compared to your impurities; I tell you truly, on that Day it will not go as hard with Sodom and Gomorrah as with you now; most of you do not observe the Sabbath Day; no, you are not, you are not observing My Law ... scriptures say: “with all your heart honour your father, never forget the birth pangs of your mother; remember that you owe your birth to them; how can you repay them for what they have done for you?” 1and you are to follow this Commandment: honour your father and your mother; why are so many of you surprised that so few follow this Commandment? foolish and wicked notions led these children astray into worshipping empty productions, filling their spirit from early childhood with a spirit of sluggishness; many parents have not given their children that everflowing Source of My Spirit; Wisdom was calling them day and night, but this generation barred Her out, and every day that passed, your children strayed further and further from the Path leading to Me; if any one, young or old, acknowledges Me as their God, they would reflect My Image, and out of love, would obey and honour their parents as they would be obeying and honouring Me; but all things that are conformed to the world have depraved these children from coming to Me; love is missing; many parents are complaining of their children’s disobedience while they are 1Si. 7:27-30 doing exactly the same thing to Me; why, can they really claim to have abundant goodness, patience and toleration? had they really all these virtues their children too would have the virtue of obedience and would honour them both; but I tell you: this generation’s minds are empty and so Darkness came and filled them up; for the image of becoming a philosopher is more important in their eyes than My Eternal Glory; then, their lack of holiness is consumed by passion and from early youth go out and dishonour their own bodies; your generation has flouted My Commandments and replaced Them with blasphemous imitations, and to this day out of the beast’s mouth come out evil productions to darken your children's minds and draw them as victims right into the lion’s mouth; conquering their young mind to worship the first beast and serve man-made gods, giving them the honour and respect that was meant for Me, and thus reflect this virtue, on their parents; I am telling you truly: for the unsubmissive who refused to take My Commandments for their guide and took depravity instead, there will be fire in the end for them; O happy the submissive in heart, they shall attain perfection; so I tell you: do not be unsubmissive to the Fear of the Lord – you know I have forbidden you to kill, generation! if you call yourself Mine and call yourself part of My Church and you preach against killing, how is it you kill? do you presume to maintain that you are in the right and insist of your innocence before Me in the day of Judgement when you heap up crimes of unborn children? from Heaven I watch frightful sights; ah! how I suffer to see how the womb that shapes this child, rejects him and sends him to his death without a name and without regret; the womb that shaped