True Life in God Messages

446 True Life in God Notebook 44 second beast, alias the false prophet, blasphemous poles for themselves on every high hill and under every spreading tree, to conquer the world and blow out the little light that is left in it; on each one of its seven heads the beast made idols representing its own gods; these idols are placed, with the power of the dragon, into high places; then they appointed priests out of their own number for the high places who officiate today in the heart of My Sanctuary; and they are not worshipping Me; they pretend to do so; they go out masqueraded as high priests, 1 worshipping and serving the beast itself and its production which is conformed to the world; they are worshipping alien and lifeless gods, just as their fathers once behaved in the past; they flout piety and repudiate My Commandments, My child; they go out to teach all nations to worship the image of mortal man, 2 a worthless imitation, instead of My Eternal Glory ... ah! how they3 lie heavily on Me! with the power4 given to them by the dragon, they summit their implacable hatred and spirit of revenge by making war against the saints and all those who are not in their clan, and who refuse to worship the statue5 of the beast; so I tell you: blessed are those who believe in Me and worship Me; blessed are those who follow Me; blessed are those who believe that My Promise is on its way to be fulfilled; for on these, My Sigh of Love will be branded on their foreheads; I tell you truly: if a man serves Me, he must follow Me; 6O era, do not be afraid to come back to Me; come 1Read message of January 30, 1989. 2A false Christ. 3God gave me their name. 4Black Masses. 5A false Christ. 6To follow Christ is to be crucified too. back to Me while there is still time, for My Day is near and how will you face it? it is said: you shall have no gods except Me, do not follow other gods, gods of peoples round you, but men have transgressed My Father’s first Commandment declaring their freedom openly by means and encouragements of the black beasts, upon whose heads will lie the blood of many; do not call My Name in vain, is the following Commandment; now, arrogant nations are attacking My Holy Name; people to whom I mean nothing, with mouths full of blasphemous talk and ready with flattery for others when they see some hideous advantage in it, they curse My Holy Name when engaged in arguments, they blaspheme against My Deity and My Holiness; and those who officiate today in My Church, but are revolving around the beast’s power, boasting about their knowledge of My Law, are those very ones who are calling My Name in vain; they are those who shut up the kingdom of Heaven in men’s faces, neither going in themselves nor allowing others to go in who want to; they ‘preach’ against stealing, yet they steal souls from Me; they ‘forbid’ adultery, yet they commit adultery themselves since they follow the black beast and are faithful to him; they pretend to despise idols, yet they rob My Sanctuary; so if this generation blasphemes My Holy Name and uses It idly, it is because of the permissiveness, satiated in vice, given to them freely by these very ones garbed in black cloaks; 7 to destroy the roots of holiness and justice is their aim, and bring lawlessness to its zenith; generation ... in My Return, would I have to say: there is not a good man left, there is not one who understands, not one who looks for Me? 7Sect of freemasonry.