True Life in God Messages

Notebook 44 True Life in God 445 following Your Commandments? how are we then to follow Your Commandments? can we teach Your Commandments if You say we do not follow them?” yet you are not following them because love is missing within you: the Crown of My Commandments is Love; to love is to live according to My Commandments; do not be like Cain who had no love for Me and simply out of spiritual jealousy cut his brother’s throat ... (When I understood what God’s intention was, to comment on His Ten Commandments, I feared that I would be unable to take everything down.) O God, I will never be able to do it alone! who told you that you are going to do this work alone? you shall write down every word I am going to tell you; do not hurry; I can dictate to you in sessions if you wish; Lord, go according to my capacity!! you forget My Capacity that can fill your capacity; come ... share My Work to gain souls; do you understand My thirst? I am thirsty for souls, thirsty for your sanctity, thirsty for your reconciliation; I am thirsty, My dear children, for all that is Me and My reflection; I am thirsty to give you back your divinity; I am thirsty for a return of love; I am thirsty to renew your original source and alliance in My Holy Name; your original source that sprouts out of My Sublime Love; I am thirsty for adoration, but behold, what have you become and what have you done! O era! you have stopped adoring Me and you have, instead, multiplied your false gods; you are not obeying My Commandments; no, you are not observing My Law; era of wretchedness, what have you become! you rarely invoke Me to adore Me; you do not call Me out of love nor honour Me anymore offering Me your services; I have been calling you all the days of your life to remind you who your Heavenly Father is and to whom you are to turn to, but your heart is not set for Me, nor is your mind willing, because you preferred to cut off the navel-string that unites us and makes us one, to make out your own law and call yourself: godless; taken by Vanity you want to consider yourself equal to Me; you are now saying: “I am equal to God and I am sitting on His Throne, because my wisdom has amassed great luxury and great authority over the world;” your skill in trading is such that a multitude of nations follow your example; yes, you followed indeed the primeval serpent’s advice who so cunningly made your ancestors eat the forbidden fruit, assuring them that they will be like gods; 1 you thought then you would open your eyes but in reality you turned blind and to this day you are struggling to cut off this Cord that gives you Life and Sanctity, thinking you will find your freedom; but what you find is Death; O era of wretchedness! you are serving Folly instead of Wisdom, you are serving the dragon instead of your Holy One; you are not obeying My Commandments, no you are not observing My Law I laid down to you; you are incessantly putting Me to the test; your era, My child, is guilty of grave blasphemies because it is not keeping My Law; they are unmindful of My Commandments in which they can find Life if they observe them; nation after nation has deviated in all ten of My Commandments, adding blasphemy to rebellion; with the empire of the dragon, the black beast2 set up together with the 1Gn. 3:5. 2Rv. 13.