True Life in God Messages

444 True Life in God Notebook 44 (Jesus quickly gave me the start of my prayer, the prayer He wanted; I think He dictated it to me.) My child, My beloved, what will I not do for you ... I have reared you and realise to whom you belong to now; be happy! I am more than happy. then show it! I shall open your mouth and you will speak, 1 Catch the foxes for us, those that make havoc of Your Vineyards that are flowering now. a Glorious Throne is descending now very soon; I will lay their2 hiding places bare and their race shall be annihilated, extinguished; the time of reckoning is soon over, just wait and see ... I intend to refresh the earth with rich food and have My remnant full of My good things; I love you with an everlasting love and I am constant in My affection for you; allow Me, you who read Me, to discipline you; and if you accept My discipline I will bring you back to Me; I shall adopt you and teach you My Law; like a child comforted by his mother will I comfort you; Love desires love; Vassula, please Me and pray the Credo looking at Me; Yes, my Lord. I am listening; (I prayed.) good! come, we, us? Yes Lord; we, us. 1 I suddenly blurted out these words: 2The foxes: freemasons. August 4, 1990 (Prophecy) flower, peace be with you; – fire, Justice, is soon to descend – ecclesia shall revive; the earth shall be set aflame;  August 5 - 29, 1990 (Rhodos) (The Ten Commandments) Lord? I am; lean on Me, think of My Love; I have walked on the Way to the Cross alone, of the men of My people not one was with Me; they hated Me for no reason at all; by force and by law I was taken; suffering and humiliation was the prize of My victory; I have taken your faults on Myself and I allowed those very hands that I created to strike Me and disfigure Me, but through these Wounds you are healed ... so bless those who persecute you, do not judge them, bless them and pray for them; today I am telling you this with tears in My Eyes: there are many who are behaving as enemies to Me and to My Cross; of all those who preach My Gospel, very few actually are working with Me and for My Kingdom; My whole Law is summarised in a single command: LOVE had they followed My Law and examined their conduct daily they would have discovered that they are not living according to My Commandments; and if they tell Me: “how is it that we are not