True Life in God Messages

442 True Life in God Notebook 44 July 31, 1990 My Lord, revive me as Your Word guaranteed. Take away this spirit of lethargy that lies on me. For how long will I have this spirit? Instil a constant spirit of fervour in me, do not deprive me of Your Holy Spirit! Vassula, I am only waiting to be gracious to you, raise you and place you in My Sacred Heart; if only you were alert to My Precepts, your spirit would have been in constancy with My Spirit; you complain, you groan, yet My Sacred Heart overflows with Love and Pity for you, soul! put in action all that I have given you! remember My Presence, make an effort! keep your distance from all that is not Me, keep your eyes fixed on Me and Me only; a vessel of My Word you are, but do not drift away with the first current! I have called you and wed you, making you Mine; should you pass through these currents, I am with you, or through hurricanes, these will not uproot you; should you walk in a nest of vipers, you will not be bitten; I have made your path easy; I will lift you every time you come upon thorns and briars; I realise your weakness and your astounding incapacity, this is why My forbearance is great upon you; so do not venture to say: “where is Your Spirit?” My Spirit is always with you, My child; listen, do not be impatient in prayer ... do not say: “God will consider my weakness, He is All-Merciful”, then go on sinning; open your ears instead and listen willingly to all My discourses and I shall give you My Light to understand even shrewd proverbs, for I am with you to save you... Make my heart ready, dear Lord, to praise You in constancy. I am surrounded by temptations that make me forget Your Presence. see now? now you are coming back to your senses ... you are beginning to realise in what a wretched state your soul is in; a light has shone in you; rejoice soul! rejoice! for if I was not standing by you, you would not be standing at all; pay attention from now on, and never let your heart sink, always come to Me for help; this, My Vassula, is not your last fall; I the Lord will lift you every time you fall with greater compassion and love every time; bless Me now and love Me; I bless You, Lord, You who fostered me, father-like; if my feet wander away from Your Rightful path again, come quickly to my rescue. rely on My massive Strength, rely on My Love; come more than once to Me today; Love is near you; I bless you; (Later on, the same day.) (I commented about something, it sounded like bragging.) daughter, consider My Work upon you, do not claim to know; man does not know what love is unless I give it to him; not even a sage can discover it, though he might claim to know; I give an order from above and My Word flashes to earth, I send My Word to bring the thaw and warmth on icy hearts; elevate your spirit and seek My Spirit of Discernment; I shall in spite of your faults stand by you to enable you to proclaim this whole message for everyone to hear; 