True Life in God Messages

440 True Life in God Notebook 44 Heartbeat is a call for a soul, a supplication for a smile, a thought ... shed your tears not on Me, My son, but on your brothers, your sisters, who are dead and decomposing; not on Me, My son, not on Me ... pray for them that My Father sends them My Spirit of Understanding; how else are they to convert? Vassula, give them the prayer your Holy Mother has given you and I ask them to pray this prayer daily; come, Scriptures are being fulfilled ... I, the Lord, am building incense altars, on altars that were to be but have lain waste, because there was no one to handle them or light them; July 28, 1990 (Rhodos) Jesus, I am caught in a cloud of lethargy, and I do not seem to come out of this lethargy. I am a poor wretch ... I know, but why do you not ask for My help? and why do you look elsewhere? if you turn your eyes towards Me you will see My Light and I will grant you the things you ask for; you are poor but I can provide you; I suffice to say: grow! flourish! and within your desert I can make rivers flow; child, do I ever abandon you? No, my Lord, never. then why was it that you failed to believe in My Presence? 1 do you not realise that I have been in constant search of your eyes? I have made you My bride have I not? Yes, You have, my Lord. 1When I had seen Him with the eyes of my soul, that afternoon. then look at Me now and then; this is your due! listen, Vassula, I do not need you; as you know, I suffice by Myself; I have told you several times that I am Omnipotent but I love weakness because My Power then is at its best; little one, I am with you every day, every hour and every second of your life, I am always among you ... remember, I am with My Mother; Yes, my Lord. repeat after Me again: we, us, forever and ever;  July 30, 1990 (Rhodos - Monastery of St Nectario) (I stayed at this monastery for five days. Five days of fasting and not speaking. Just praying and meditating.) Lord? I am; never doubt; My Peace I give you; enter into My Heart; (When the Lord said: “My Peace I give you”, I saw Heaven open and I was welcomed into His Heart.) time is pressing, the hours are fleeing ... come near Me and listen to what I want to tell the church in Rhodos: look at the Palms of My Hands, My Side and My Feet; feel My Wounds ... those who will not drink from My Wounds shall waste away, they shall pine away and dry; I Am your Salvation, so why does this nation fear to drink Me and eat Me? they cry for help but then no one comes to drink Me and eat Me and get healed; have I not said that through My Wounds you shall be