True Life in God Messages

Notebook 44 True Life in God 439 falling, or rather, it seemed like they were speeding away from the eastern horizon to the western horizon; it seemed like they were leaving the heavens. Then the tremor stopped and there was a menacing darkness. I saw that I had a faint light in my room. I looked out of the window, but there were about three or four houses which had a light in the whole town.) July 22, 1990 (Message from Our Holy Mother.) peace be with you, beloved children; I am your Holy Mother speaking and I already thank you for coming here to hear Us; open your hearts and understand every Word We are telling you; Jesus gives you His Love and His Peace; He guides you to Salvation and I am sent by Him to prepare the road for His Return; I come to open the way again for Him; do not be surprised, little ones; I know it is hard to live in wilderness but I come to you in many nations to prepare you; I am schooling you in rules of righteousness to set you free; ask the Lord to guide your steps in the path of His Commandments; let your love comfort Him, let your love console Him, be His Balm; feel loved by Me; feel loved by My Son; today I am calling the sick telling them: My child, do not be depressed; I, your Holy Mother love you, but pray to the Lord and He will heal you; cleanse your heart from all impurities by repenting, then open your hearts to God and He will shower you with His Love; pray without cease; do not slumber, pray with your heart and be like roses in the days of spring, like a bouquet offered to the Most High; let your prayers be like blended incense reaching His Throne; let Me remind you what the Most High is longing for: your heart, offer Him your heart and allow Him to be your Guide on the road I am preparing for you; My children, Love is at your doors; praise the Lord and love Him; God is love; I bless you all; I also bless all those who are confined in a prison, towards them I send flowing peace like a river in their heart; Vassula, be patient; My Son, Jesus, loves you to tears of affection; never doubt; feel His love; end your day always by praising Him, have My Peace; we, us? Yes, Holy Mother, we, us. July 27, 1990 (Rhodos) Explain to me, my Jesus, how to respect and follow Your Law and how to observe Your Commandments. Guide me in the path of Your Commandments, I mean to meditate on Your precepts. Forgive my faults and sins. peace be with you; before you uttered a word I have already forgiven you; 1 if it was not for My Infinite Mercy, beloved, you would have already felt My Justice upon you, since all that you have is wickedness and misery; come ... do not watch Me from a distance ... come to Me, closer, I cherish you like the pupils of My Eyes; praise Me, My beloved; praise Me for My Name is Holy; (Later:) (One of the monks I met was shedding tears when I explained to him how Jesus suffers.) come and place your ear on My Breast, My son, and hear My Heartbeats; every 1Jesus understood my intentions.