True Life in God Messages

438 True Life in God Notebook 44 have marked your forehead with My Seal of Love; I bless you all, leaving My Sigh of Love on your forehead; Jesus Christ is My Name and I tell you: I love you eternally, be one;  July 19, 1990 My God! my God! come and light up my darkness! come quickly and help me! Visit me. My soul thirsts for You, my God. When will I see Your Holy Face? My soul melts within me ... why do my persecutors persist in condemning me? O God, where have I wronged them? Lord, where are You? At least let those who persecute me say what crime they found me guilty of. O God, how I miss You ... beloved, I have not spoken in secret; I am confirming My Word and they know it; you have not seen Me Face to face but I am near you; I may be absent in body, 1 but in Spirit I am always with you; 2 I am with you to bind you all together in love and to stir your minds, so that your understanding may come to full development, until you really know My secrets in which all the jewels of Wisdom and Knowledge are hidden; 3blessed one, I want you to have a visible image of My Divinity, meaning by loving Me fervently, by obeying scrupulously My Law; and, little by little, therefore, I shall correct those who offend Me and persecute you; I shall remind them of how they have apostatised; I shall give them the chance to repent; courage! I 1Flesh and Bone. 2Jesus very sweetly tried to console me. 3Col. 2:2-3. am telling you this daughter: whoever will listen, let him listen; whoever will not, let him not ...  July 20, 1990 O Lord, let Your Spirit rest upon me and invade me. let Me bless you; I give you My Peace; let My Spirit rest on you; I, the Lord, will grant you the safety you sigh for; keep firm in your faith because I am faithful to My Promise; I will put My Love Law into the hearts of your nations and I shall never call their sins to mind; I shall remind them of My Sacrifice, I shall remind them of My Cross, I shall remind them that I am God; and you, you whom I sought and found, offer Me your heart and I shall receive it as blended incense; stay loyal to Me and yearn for all that is Me to efface all that is you; annihilate all that is you by absorbing all that is Me; pray for the conversion of souls; pray for peace, love and unity; remember, My Love is Infinite, a Love no man can understand fully on earth; I bless you; turn to Me and bless Me; July 21, 1990 (I saw in a vision that I was looking from outside a window. It was daylight. Suddenly the earth started to shake violently under my feet. The ground was going up and down. The earthquake was eight points. It was not stopping. I looked from the window at the sky because it was losing its luminosity. I was staring up at the heavens while they were becoming darker by the second until they reached to become full night. Then I saw the stars