True Life in God Messages

Notebook 44 True Life in God 437 contradicting every iota of it; have I not said explicitly that anybody who receives My Commandments and keeps them will be one who loves Me? in your era many claim to be doctors of the Law but they understood neither the arguments they are using nor the opinions they are upholding; oh how they weary Me with their talk! they weary Me because they do not safeguard My Knowledge nor My Law; I do not come through these Messages to condemn, I come to warn you out of Love and wake you up from your lethargy; I also come to encourage the remnant, from priests to laity, who love Me and remain faithful to Me and reflect My Image: you, who show your love, for your sake I will lay an open highway, blessed; and on its sides I shall plant fruitful trees; 1 your soil will nourish many and no one will be able to destroy the fruits of your soil nor make you barren; you will be all called Faithful and you will be all that is not pride, fallaciousness and rationalism; your fruit will feed starved nations, nations that have collapsed into atheism; I intend to clothe you all in My garments of old, 2 and rebuild My Church on its old foundation; I shall adorn My Bride in her early Jewels and from your mouths you will exult Me and praise Me without cease; beloved ones, I am the Light of the world and before you I am walking; still, I am telling you this: there are other sheep I have that are not of your fold, I will lead all these as well under My Renovated Church so that there will be one flock and one Shepherd; go out to the nations and teach them to pray to the Father this prayer: 1The priests of the new era. 2The Early Church. Father all Merciful, let those who hear and hear again yet never understand, hear Your Voice this time and understand that it is You, the Holy of Holies; open the eyes of those who see and see, yet never perceive, to see with their eyes this time Your Holy Face and Your Glory, place Your Finger on their heart so that their heart may open and understand Your Faithfulness, I pray and ask you all these things, Righteous Father, so that all the nations be converted and be healed through the Wounds of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ; amen; understand, then, that with this prayer you are asking: the salvation of the world; courage, brothers; My pupils, courage; I am with you every day; preach and defend My Word without any fear, proclaim My Name with zeal; remind the world that I am Holy; teach them to live holy; be gentle like I am gentle, have My patience and My Love; only a little while now, a very little while and the One you are waiting for will have come; I will come as Love, yes, Love shall return as Love in this wilderness; I shall fulfil the Promise soon; but, remember, My dear friends, what My prophets told you to expect at the end of Times; they told you that there are going to be great tribulations before this Coming and that the foundations of the earth will shake and a great tremor is to come; the sky will appear to you as though it is of an eternal darkness; never fear, though, for I will be by your side; I