True Life in God Messages

Notebook 43 True Life in God 435 highway, undefiled, which shall be called: Sacred Way; the impure shall not travel by it, but the living will walk there, for they know how to worship Me and they will bend their knee and say to Me: amen ... amen ... little children, never have grudges against each other, be united, be united, be one; it is I, Jesus, who asks this from you; I bless you all, leaving My Sigh of Love on your forehead; this Sigh that brands you as Mine;  (Our Holy Mother’s Message:) peace be with you; children of Mine, I would like you today to read and meditate on Lk. 15:4-7; yes, Jesus does not want to lose any of you, this is why He is in constant search of your heart; pray, My little children, as never before, keep God’s Name Holy and remember that anyone who seeks the Lord, will find Him; anyone who knocks, will always have the door opened to him; work for your salvation, pray for every thing you need; I want you happy and peaceful in the Lord because the Lord has given you the Gift of His Love, so what greater Gift than His Love? find Peace in the Lord, this peace that is missing from many of you; penetrate into God’s Love and He will purify your soul; praise the Lord for He is good and patient; do not come to Him just for your interests, do not come to Him unconsciously, just out of duty, come to the Lord to praise Him and Love Him; consider the blessings God is giving you daily; contemplate on the blessings He is giving you daily and offer Him your hearts, thanking Him, beloved ones; show Him your gratitude too; Jesus is Love, Jesus is Hope and Jesus means He-Who-Saves, so do not doubt of the Greatness of His Love; have Faith in Him, He comes to rescue even the least among you; testify to the nations of this Great Love and spread His Messages to the four corners of the earth; I, your Holy Mother, am always near you, My children; I bless you; may the Peace of My Son reign in your hearts; July 8, 1990 (Lens – Message for the prayer groups.) peace be with you all; I, Jesus, bless you all ... feel My Presence at this very minute among you, feel Me in your hearts ... do not harden your heart, doubting; open your heart so that you may understand fully My Message of Love; I descend, I who am King and Sovereign, all the way to you to remind you of the Love I have for you and of My Sacrifice; I come to remind you to whom you belong; I have redeemed you all with My Sacrifice and you belong to Me; if today My Spirit of Grace is being poured out on you so lavishly it is because the fig-tree is almost ripe and very soon you shall be eating from it; you cannot say anymore “where is my God?” the pastures of the heath I shall turn green again so that you find your rest in them; My Vineyards I shall keep multiplying and My fruit-trees will yield abundantly, you will eat to your heart’s content from My Heavenly Stores; hear Me, your Heavenly Father, has He not opened His Celestial Stores in Heaven to feed a starving nation with manna? your Heavenly Father rained down bread upon His people, and from the rock at Horeb He let water flow from it so that they may drink; and I, have I not multiplied the loaves and fish to feed thousands?