True Life in God Messages

Notebook 43 True Life in God 433 Since we are all Your children I implore You then to let those who hear and hear again but do not seem to understand, to allow them to understand. have they repented? Lord, I do not know if they repented but if You open their eyes and let them see, they will see Your Glory and then they will perceive Your Faithfulness and Your Beauty; they might then come to You and repent! child, even if I open their eyes they will not see Me! they will not see Me because they are surrounded by darkness, so how do you want them to see Me even though I am near them all the time? their obscurity blinds them; so daughter, speak out and do not be afraid of them, do not be afraid to speak out the Truth, nor allow yourself to be silenced; I am with you My child, My daughter; no, do not be silent, set to work with your God, I have reared you and brought you up for this mission; like a young man marrying a virgin, I have offered you My Heart and asked for yours; it is I, Jesus, who formed you and wed you; and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so am I rejoicing now in your poverty and your weakness; I pursued you like a lover pursues his maiden, I went in all directions seeking by what means I could make you Mine, and now that you are Mine, I will keep you; I am frail and my persecutors are hounding me untiringly but my hope is in You. I live in this exile just for You, nothing delights me in this world any more and already my eyes are languishing for Your world of Peace. My heart and my soul are pining away with love for You; You are my Refuge and my Joy. I had asked You to accept me if it was possible and be to You less than a slave, yes, an auxiliary-slave. the poor and simple always praised My Name and always will; (Jesus here, was as if He was talking to Himself.) this is why I thank the Father for hiding Wisdom from the learned and the clever and revealing them only to mere children; happy you who are poor and miserable, yours is the kingdom of God; alas for those who have their fill now: they shall go hungry; happy are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you on My account, rejoice and be glad! for your reward will be great in heaven; this is how they persecuted the prophets before you; daughter, do not weary, carry out the work I have given you; imitate Me your Lord and follow Me with no trace of doubt; I shall humble you more; stay poor and weak, docile and obedient; be pleasing in My Sight; love Me and bless Me; I am Yours and under Your Eyes I have found true peace. I bless You. July 6, 1990 peace be with you; here is My Message: peace be with you; I am your Redeemer who speaks to you; I am He who loves you most; I have come to your nation to give sight to the blind and take away the sight from those who claim they see ... I have come to you so that you listen to My Voice, the Voice of My Holy Spirit, the Constant Reminder of My Word and all that I have given you; listen to Me: inhabitants of the earth, how I love you! in spite of your awesome