True Life in God Messages

Notebook 42 True Life in God 415 in agony, in wait for the sound of your step; I shall not reprove you, no, I shall only let you thrust yourself on My Bosom and I shall cradle you with Tears of Joy, My child; I shall wrap you with the flow of My love, leaving your soul in My Peace ... I will take care of you, am I not your Shepherd? see, you are living in the beginning of those days promised you; I have said that My Spirit of Grace shall breathe on your dead; I mean to raise you from your graves and lead you back to your domain: My Sacred Heart; and I shall fill you with My Spirit, healing you and you will acknowledge Me your God; you, on the other hand, open your eyes and your heart, abandon yourself to Me, offer Me your will, and I shall do the rest; remember My Holy Presence; be My vessels of Light carrying My Word and diffuse My Messages; I, the Lord, bless each one of you, leaving My Sigh of Love on your forehead; be one;  April 12, 1990 (For Paris and Italy.) peace be with you; I am the Resurrection; if anyone believes in Me even though he dies, he will live; I am the Holy Spirit of Truth, I am the Reminder of My Word who comes to you and stirs you up from your deep sleep; it has been said that My Spirit of Grace shall be poured out lavishly on all mankind and that your sons and daughters shall prophesy, all that Scripture says is being fulfilled; I am preparing you from Heaven to acknowledge the Truth; I am encouraging you by displaying portents in Heaven and on earth, I am giving to the poor and the small visions, I am sending you My Mother to instruct you as a Teacher in different nations, I am displaying My Infinite Mercy like a banner above your heads, generation, to educate you and bring you back to divinity; if you would listen to Me today I shall lift your soul and you will reach the place of rest; generation! you have been worshipping long enough unnamed idols, lifeless idols, inventions that harm you to death; you accorded divine honours to these, corrupting your life; for years I have not heard the sound of your voice, nor of your step, you have not invoked Me nor praised My Marvels; ah generation, why have you rejected Me your Holy One? come and listen to Me again: Love will be coming back to you as Love; this is My Promise, so be prepared to receive Me and I shall give you the gift of My Love and the gift of My Holiness; beloved ones, you who are gathered here today, learn that it is I, Jesus, who sought you and called you all the way from the desert to enter My delightful Garden: My Assembly; I am the Sacred Heart, ever so sensitive, who asks you to make peace with Me and reconcile with Me; let those thorns encircling My Sacred Heart bloom into a wreath of flowers; open your heart to Me and welcome Me, offer Me your heart and I shall ravish you to delight My Heart; speak to Me with your heart and I shall not remain unresponsive; realise that I who am your King and Sovereign of all, descend all the way to you in this world drenched with sin to seek you, My friend; how much longer do I have to seek? My Eyes are worn out looking for your welcoming