True Life in God Messages

414 True Life in God Notebook 41 pray to the Father that His Chalice of Justice does not brim over before your conversion; generation! call out to Me and I shall hear you! O generation, generation ... defiled beyond words ... impure beyond description, your guilt is killing you; your perversity, generation, and your disloyalty have pierced all Eternity, leaving the pillars of heaven trembling, your iniquities have made destitute your spirit from all wisdom; if you knew how My angels tremble to see what is awaiting you ... earth that will be covered by your own blood by your apostasy! earth who will tear yourself to pieces before the very eyes of My angels! if you all understood the tremor that has to come you would not waste, as it is now, your breath in empty words and in godlessness; I, the Lord, pour out My Spirit to prepare you, to teach you from heaven, and call for your repentance and call you for your conversion, I am a God of Mercy who bends all the way down to you in these days of Grace to save you; listen to My Cries of distress, beloved ones, I come to wake you up; I do not grow tired of repeating My pleas, ungrateful generation, and I shall continue to repeat My pleas to you, My Lips shall never grow tired calling you but while I am speaking My suffering remains ... yet the Light is near you to chase your darkness, generation ... open your eyes, open your eyes and you will see Me in My splendour; I am ready to give your eyes the light to see so that you shall not sleep yourselves to death; your generation’s deeds are corrupt and vile, far from being My Image, far from Love, far from Holiness; I am your Holy One but you recrucify Me every single minute; I am He who today with so much love embraces you with My Arms around you and with My Hand nourishes you gently with My Word to restore you back to divinity, generation ever so weak; I come to deliver you from evil, I do not come to menace you, I only come to warn you out of My Infinite Mercy; My very core yearns to possess you and make you Mine for all Eternity and invest you in dazzling white robes; My Heart seeks desperately to drag you away from your abominations; I am calling but so many of you today would not answer, I speak through weak instruments but many of you would not listen; instead these people treat My messengers as impostors, these people would rather choose to do what displeases Me most: take their life... 1 thinking they are doing Me a holy duty; their spirit, in the dark and unaware, does not recognise My Holy Spirit of Grace, no more than the Jews recognised Me as the Messiah! they provoke Me, they do not exalt Me, they block My way with thorns and briars, promoting impurity and promiscuity in this godless and senseless generation; feel My Agony, feel My Sorrow ... My Eyes grow dim and are wasting away with weeping; I come all the way to you with great love to offer you the gift of My Love, the gift of My Spirit, the gift of My Divinity, I come to remind you of My Holiness; tell Me, then, let Me hear you, you whom My Sacred Heart loves and throbs for, will I ever see you coming from this desert? return to Me so that I may no longer lie 1 “take their life...” Just three words that mean much more than that. It also means that those who attack the Holy Spirit and suppress It, the Holy Spirit who speaks through the messengers, suppressing the warnings of God. These people are responsible for the souls that shall be lost. The Holy Spirit of Grace today has chosen to wake us up with what our generation needs: multiplication of revelations, messages through apparitions. Fatima’s call was not taken seriously, it was ignored for 13 years. It was a warning. The result was the Second World War and communism.