True Life in God Messages

Notebook 41 True Life in God 413 memorable to you; wake up soul, why are you asleep? come and find your strength in Me; come and I shall appease your thirst if you appease My thirst for Love; this, My daughter, is your due since it was I who came to deliver you from the pit and since it was I who came to your rescue, displaying My great Love for you; come now and offer Me your will, show your eagerness to quench my insatiable thirst for love by leaving a few drops of your love on My parched Lips, I will welcome them as the wild flowers of the desert welcome the morning dew; soul! you were neither blameless nor faithful, yet I have forgiven you in My Purity and My Light, I blotted out every sin of yours; so gratify Me now, lift your eyes to Me and look at the banner I am displaying above you ... among many I have chosen you to show to mankind, through you, My banner of Love and Mercy, I am displaying it now above your heads; generation! like a lover who pursues his well-beloved, I go in all directions seeking by what means I could make you Mine for all Eternity; show Me, generation, that behind your wall I can still find a faithful friend ... even if I find none, a hesitant friend ... and I will turn your deceitfulness into sincere speech so that the Day of disaster does not strike you; friend! you who still hesitate between evil and good, do not be tepid! have you not yet understood that My Heart is sick with Love? come and feel My Heartbeats, every single Heartbeat is a beautiful song of Love to you, friend; a call of Love’s Jealous Love; come to Me before the sun sets and before the shadows of the night fall like a veil on you, come to Me, do not leave Me in dismay again until tomorrow; come before the Gale and Fire come to scatter you like chaff; come to Me and I shall watch over your soul in the days of distress; let Me hear you, soul, let Me hear the sound of your step, let Me hear your voice before nightfall.... 1 the fig tree is ripe and soon you shall be eating its first fruits... happy you who are hungry now, you shall be satisfied; Love loves you, My House is your House; fall into My Arms and I shall fill your aridity with My flow of Love; come, I, Jesus, love you without measure;  April 10, 1990 (For Lens) peace be with you ... I am your Holy One who watches you from above ... recollect yourselves and feel My Presence ... feel My Presence, feel My Eyes upon you; I tell you truly that no man has greater love than Mine; I am He, He who loves you most, the living God; today, My beloved ones, your nations are living in darkness, but I descend out of My Infinite Mercy to restore My House and bring you back to Me; I am indeed pouring out My Spirit on all mankind to feed your starving nations with My Word and remind you that I am Holy; I come to you to encourage you in doing good and discourage your evil tendencies; I am standing at your very doors, soul, knocking; I am the One you are looking for; I am the One who lifts your soul and exalts it; I tell you most solemnly that Love is on its way of return; My Return is soon with you, so pray for the conversion of souls, pray for them to convert before My Return, pray with fervour that My Cry in this wilderness may reach their ears and break through their deafness; 1Jesus from pleading suddenly changed tone.