True Life in God Messages

412 True Life in God Notebook 41 April 2, 1990 I want to keep my love for You always, I know I cannot detect my own failings, this is why I came to ask you to preserve me from any wicked tendencies, free me from grave sin; allow me, sweet Yahweh, to take my shelter in You. beloved of My Soul, I will grant you the safety you sigh for, be glad; always choose what pleases Me; never fear, by your side I Am; I desire from you love, obedience, self-effacement, humility, docility, and thus you shall disarm hatred, disobedience, pomposity, vanity and wickedness; rejoice soul! do not look behind you, look at Me, face Me and abandon yourself to Me; My coming is near, and anyone who fears Me the Lord will understand; My Spirit is upon you, My well-beloved, I who reared you shall always remind you of My Love; feel happy! feel happy! rejoice, rejoice I tell you! allow My Spirit to work in you; I am able, in spite of your extreme weakness, to accomplish everything; the least you are, the more I Am; accept My grace and efface your passivity; peace be with you always; caress Me with your heart, never neglect Me; I will teach you many more things; I will acquaint you with real Knowledge, from My Mouth you shall learn; Wisdom comes before you and is your Educator; all you do, do it with love; embellish My garden, embellish My Head by replacing the Crown of Thorns by a Crown of Roses; I the Lord wait ever so impatiently for the day of My Glory; April 3, 1990 I long for You Jesus, my Saviour, You who snatched me from the pit, I know that you treat me tenderly, and that You make me suffer so as to better educate me, be my Saviour again! renew my joy, uproot all evil from me since You love Holiness and sincerity of heart! be in peace, My child; suffering is My Gift to you to sanctify you; I shall be the sweet torture of your naked soul, the torment of your mind, 1 the insatiable thirst of your mouth, the throb of your heart; open your eyes, soul, and proceed on the way to sanctity; offer Me your will ... open your eyes and look, soul! look at the trace I left behind Me ... My Path is marked with My Blood, follow these marks and they will lead you to Me; seek no ally and do not ask: “what is this?” or “what is that?” My Strength shall sustain your falls; come all the way to Me, soul, and I shall offer you My Cup; Vassula, do not refuse My Cup, although My Cup tastes bitter, drink; drink and give Glory to Me and I will pour on you like myrrh My Blessings; listen, Vassula, My daughter, though you are surrounded by My enemies you yourself will remain unscathed so do not fear but advance, follow the marks of My Blood and do not look to your left nor to your right; I am before you, waiting for you, to sanctify you; come, come alone, I do not wish to find in you rivals; for the sake of My great Love I have for you, eat less in these days of purification; I am your Redeemer who stands at the end of this road; open your eyes and look at the marks of My Blood I shed for you, let these days be 1That is: to thirst for God and suffer for not being in heaven already with Him.