True Life in God Messages

Notebook 41 True Life in God 411 of you fall back into deep sleep; his aim is to divide you, create quarrels among you and cut you off from the Vine; resist all temptations, resist evil and conquer it with love; conquer egoism with sacrifices; conquer malice with good; prove to God your love of Him with good acts; love your neighbour as yourself; Our Messages are to be followed and not just read, they are to be lived; prove to God that you are His children by being pure, humble, obedient and self-effaced; My priests ... I love you, you who are the sheep that Jesus gathers in His Arms and instructs; come and draw from Jesus’ Sacred Heart to enliven your love into an ardent flame and thus transmit it to Jesus’ lambs, follow the King of Peace and you shall learn to know Him; Jesus who is the Sacrifice will help you sacrifice more of yourselves; find Him, beloved ones, in simplicity of heart; God is not complicated, the Holy of Holies first speaks in one way and then in another to make you understand that the time is pressing; I am filled with pain and choked by Tears and My Heart swells with sorrow to watch so many of My children in deep sleep, rejecting all Our Merciful warnings; I call all day long, I appear all around the globe, pleading you to convert and approach God; I do not come, My beloved children, to reproach you; I come out of love to warn you, to help you and educate you in your spiritual growth; being your Mother, I observe how you grow; I love you and My aim is to educate you to grow in God; accept with joy these days of grace; God has not deserted you nor has He condemned you; He has never turned His Holy Face away from you, so receive His Holy Spirit of Grace with joy and with song; rejoice Our Hearts and spread Our Messages at the ends of the world and through Them convert other souls; I desire to see all churches full, alive and warm, so live Our Messages; I am pouring out on you graces to encourage you; be blessed and come nearer to the Cross at Jesus’ Feet, as I was with John and the Holy women; come and adore Him, come and adore Him, let the Spirit of Holiness dwell upon you for ever and ever; I, your Holy Mother, bless you and your families; (Biblical reading from Mt. 5:17-26.) March 29, 1990 flower, I give you My Peace, carry My Cross till the end; never, ever forget My great love for you, a love no human can ever give you; always remember My gentle mastery; I am delighted to have you near Me in this way; I have favoured you, so rejoice! Vassula, you had not prayed nor had you any love for Me; I did not accuse you for your aridity nor for your hostility towards Me, yet out of Compassion I lifted your soul from the pit; this, My child, should be branded on your mind; I, the Lord, love you; come, one day you will understand fully; lift now your eyes to Me and say: “praised be the Lord! Glory be to God!” I, the Lord, bless you;  (Later on in the evening:) My Lord, where are You ? I do not see You! little one, I am in your heart;