True Life in God Messages

410 True Life in God Notebook 41 preserve the unity of My Body? tell Me, brothers, where is the Peace I bequeathed to you, the Gift I have given you? why are you continuously differentiating yourselves in Me? are you sincerely trying to be united again in your belief and practice? I tell you solemnly to renew your mind with a spiritual revolution, a revolution of love; forgive the grudges you have against each other and come to Me renewed, come to Me pure; wake up from your sleep! I am at your very doors knocking; do not be like salt which has lost its flavour, be like a tree putting out graceful shoots and bear the fruits of holiness, fulfil My Law by uniting and helping each other; like yesterday, I lift My Eyes to the Father and pray to Him: “Holy Father, keep those you have given Me true to Your Name so that they may be one like Us; 1 may they all be one; 2 Father, Righteous One, remind them of My docility, My humility, My sincerity and My great love, so that they may end My Agony, this Agony which is the cause of so much bleeding in My Body, let them recognise their errors and reconcile so that when they come to receive Me by drinking Me and eating Me, they come worthily; Father, call the shepherds and teach them to be yielding and docile towards each other, self-effacing and humble, may they realise My Atonement this time of Lent 1Jn. 17:11. 2Jn. 17:21. and seek true Wisdom in Me; amen” happy the man who listens to Me, happy those who follow My Ways, happy the man who humbles himself, happy the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of Heaven; I, your Lord, bless you and your families, leaving My Sigh of Love on your forehead and My Peace in your little hearts, and never forget that Love is always with you; be one;  (Message from St Mary.) peace be with you; feel My Presence among you ... let this grace be given to you all ... beloved children, I ask you today to purify your soul, prepare your soul in these days of Lent so that you understand and fully penetrate into Christ’s Passion; understand how He sacrificed Himself for you in order to set you free from all wickedness and to purify you so that you could be His adoptive children; God asks your reconciliation and to do penance, repent, and believe the Good News; be reconciled to God and you shall become His heirs for the Eternal Life; God wants you perfect and to reach perfection I will remind you that you cannot reach it without having reconciled through Him and for Him; self-abnegation will lead you on the road to perfection; I, your Holy Mother, am without ceasing interceding for all of you to the Father for your voluntary abandonment and for you to be made perfect; Jesus and I are coming to you in this way to warn you and wake you up from your sleep; the time is fleeing and although many of you woke up, Satan, redoubling his malices and traps, made a good part