True Life in God Messages

Notebook 41 True Life in God 409 without mercy I was, for the sake of My great love for you; I have carried your sins on My Shoulders without uttering one complaint, “like a lamb that is lead to the slaughter-house, like a sheep that is dumb before its shearers never opening its mouth;” 1 and to free you, beloved one, I allowed Myself to be pierced by those very ones I had created; yes, they pierced the Hands that created them, and through My Wounds I healed you ... for your sake I have endured hours of suffering to lift your soul from the pit; I am your Holy One, yet I allowed you to stretch Me on the Cross until My Bones were all disjointed; feel today My agony, feel My thirst for lack of love, a love no flood can ever quench and no torrents can ever drown; will I ever see you, you who still err in the desert? come back to Me and reconcile with Me, and live holy, abandoning your ways; in sorrow and tears I watched this unholy generation go away, following Vice instead of Virtue, Death instead of Life, because this generation relied on falsehood, thus conceiving rationalism, which gave birth to atheism; so for how long must I have stayed bereft and lonely behind each Tabernacle? while Tears of Blood stream down My Cheeks, leaving every fibre of My Heart broken? My agonies of Gethsemane are repeated in My Soul every hour; enter into My Wounds and you will understand My agonies; I had foreseen from the very beginning how, in spite of My Sacrifice, clans would rise against Me and divide My Body, causing so many new doctrines, and, once their sense of right and wrong dulled in their dissension, would lose the sense of brotherhood; and the wailing of My lambs since then have pierced My Ears ... and now as an echo My Cry comes from the Cross to 1 Is. 53:7. different nations to call you all back and make you one; so if anyone asks Me: “why are these Tears of Blood streaming down Your Cheeks?” I shall reply: these are shed for you, My child, they are Tears caused by sins and impurities; and if you ask Me: “and what about these marks on Your Body? why are Your Wounds wide open?” I shall reply: these, My child, are being given to Me daily without mercy by those I love most but have now turned against Me, leaving My Wounds wide open, yet they were the ones who once said: “we would like to learn Your Ways and follow You”; intellectually they are in the dark and not until they die to their self will they be able to see the Light; today again, in these days of Lent, I come to you, My child, sinner, just or unjust, or repelled from humanity, or tossed around one way or another in this world, I come to ask you for your reconciliation; go and reconcile with your brother, for in reconciling with him you are reconciling with Me your God; offer Me your peace as I offer you My Peace, imitate Me and be holy; sacrifice and fast so that you may grow in My Spirit which is: Love, Holiness and Truth; what I need is holiness from you; do not be like jackals who run their lives by night! because your intentions I knew them long before you were born; in these days I am pouring out My Spirit on your nations so that you grow like grass where there is plenty of water; I descend in this way to fill your stores with My produce, I come to awaken you from your lethargy and draw you away from your evil ways; and now I make a special appeal to all those who are under My Name and are working for Unity and Peace; I ask you to come to Me like a child and face Me, answering Me these questions: brothers, have you done everything you can to