True Life in God Messages

408 True Life in God Notebook 41 things which You created. You were with me, but I was not with You. Created things kept me from You; yet if they had not been in You they would not have been at all. You called, You shouted and You broke through my deafness. You flashed, You shone and You dispelled my blindness. You breathed Your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for You. I have tasted You; now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for Your Peace.” 1 My Lord, my thoughts are now for unity. Are they sincere, My Lord, to unite? there, My child, have I not told you and shown you how rigid some of them are? they cry out for peace and for unity but they do not mean one single word out of what they say, their heart is as hard as rock and they are unyielding as a millstone, yet, I shall bend them all with My Flame, just wait and see ... March 5, 1990 peace be with you; hear Me, I am the Most High who favoured you, pray; (I prayed.) remember, Vassula, you are clay and I am able to mould you into anything I want to; daughter, allow Me to mould you every Tuesday and Friday into a copy of Myself, giving you My agonies of My Passion; My Cup tastes bitter but will you share It with Me? tell Me, My child, will you undergo My Passion like I please? Yes Lord, as You please. My Grace is upon you, I shall shape you into a little crucifix; My Body is covered with unmerciful marks given to Me by those whom I love most; will you share the marks of My Body? 1St Augustine, The Confessions , Book X. Yes, my Lord, as you want. the Love I have for you is unmeasurable; come; March 10, 1990 (Message for prayer group meeting on March 31, 1990.) peace be with you; I, the Lord Jesus, love you; dearest children learn that I am the Eternal Truth; I am the Way that leads you to Eternal Life; are you ready in these days of Lent to follow My Path? are you ready to recognise that I am He who marked My Path with My Blood? I am the Crucified with the Five Wounds who speaks to you today, I am the Victim of Love who seeks your heart; come, approach, you whom My Heart loves, you who still hesitate, come to Me and penetrate into the Wound of My Heart so that I may entice you and make you understand that therein you shall find your Peace and Joy; come nearer to Me, soul, and let Me breathe on you My sweet fragrance, reviving you; abandon yourself to Me and I shall envelop your soul into My Sacred Heart; call Me and I shall answer you, seek Me fervently and you shall find Me; abandon your evil ways and place your feet into My Path and I shall lift you and ravish your soul to delight My Soul; My Love is like a Fountain, a Well of Living Waters so come and draw from this Fountain and you will live; do not be like the world, because the world fails to appreciate My great Love; My child, have you fully understood My Passion? I am the One who delivered you from Death; persecuted I was, for your sake; disfigured from the blows, spat upon, despised, mocked and jeered I was, for your deliverance; scourged