True Life in God Messages

406 True Life in God Notebook 41 February 19, 1990 ah Vassula ... My Spirit of Love shall invade your whole being; let My Spirit rest on you and you shall experience great wonders; Love loves you;  February 20, 1990 (Today again, while praying the sorrowful mysteries, I experienced part of the Lord’s Passion. I experienced part of Gethsemane and part of the Crucifixion.) child, penetrate deeper into My Wounds, listen to My Heartbeats ... My fondness for you has become folly to the extent that I want you now to participate with Me in My Passion; love Me as I love you; My Passion is repeated every day; every single day I am dragged on the road to Calvary by those who do not follow My Path any longer; My agonies are multiplied when I see My children heading into the eternal fire; My Heart sinks into intolerable pains to watch so much ingratitude on this earth; My Body is scourged unmercifully; I suffer; yet I had filled their houses with good things, I had given them My Peace; I loved them and still love them to Passion and yet from these very ones I am crowned with a wreath of thorns; I stand before them like a Beggar with My Heart in My Hand pleading them, but instead of a kind look, they mock Me, they spit on Me, they jeer at Me, they strike My Head and they lead Me with violence to the Mount where they recrucify Me; I waste away slowly and My Blood is poured out without cease; I am being recrucified every day by sinners; I need to rest, will you let Me rest? take My thorned Crown, My Nails and My Cross ... have you nothing to tell Me? My Lord, my Beloved One, You who entrusted me with Your most Sacred Jewels, You who covered me with Your Love and Tenderness, You who poured on me like myrrh Your Teachings and who fragranced me with Your Perfume, I delight in Your Presence. You have given Me the Gift of Your Love, You have given Me the Gift of Your Passion, and I, in my poverty, cannot offer You anything but my blessings, my will, my soul and my heart. February 23, 1990 (Friday – at 15.00 hrs without fail I went to the appointment of Love to meet Jesus in the Passion and His Cross.) March 2, 1990 (Friday – Jesus met me again in His Passion and His Cross.) we are sharing My Passion for the following reasons, My child: for the conversion of souls, for reparations, for all those who distort My Word, for these teachers who assume that I have not risen with My Body, for those who stifle Me, differentiating themselves in Me, for the insincerity that reigns around those who surround My Vicar, for the insincerity that reigns among those who cry out for Peace and Unity but remain lifeless to their word, for those who suffocate the Voice of My Holy Spirit and for all those who continue to live in great wickedness under these skies; beloved,