True Life in God Messages

Notebook 41 True Life in God 405 I bless each one of you; remember Our Holy Presence, do not leave Us behind ... pray, My beloved children; fill your days with Love’s Presence; February 13, 1990 (Tuesday – today while praying the rosary with (...), and while we were on the fourth mystery, the carrying of the Cross, I suddenly went into a sort of rapture. I lost my voice and had to whisper and every word I pronounced came out of me with great difficulty. I found myself in the Passion sharing Jesus’ sufferings. While on the fifth mystery, the Crucifixion, I seemed to go slowly out of it again. When it was over, I felt heavy and my speech and movements were slower than usual, my spirit still under His agony.) Jesus? I am; dearest soul, My agony is great, let Me share it with you; make My heaven in you; bless Me; Love loves you, peace upon you, look at Me ... are you willing to go through My Passion? are you willing to sacrifice more? I’m willing to do Your Will. then I and you shall share greater things; Vassula, eat little today and tomorrow fast strictly; please Me and devote your day for Me; do no more writing for now; I want you to remember My Presence fully today; I love you and I bless you; we, us, remember? pray; February 15, 1990 Jesus? I am; lean on Me entirely; summoning My lambs to feed them My Bread glorifies Me; come, let me give you a few words of Light; I am the Resurrection who brings the dead to Life; go on your way now and remember? go on, say it! Your Presence, Lord. yes, My Presence and My Mother’s too, daughter;  February 16, 1990 (Early in the afternoon (...) and I knelt in front of my small altar to pray the rosary, the sorrowful mysteries. As soon as we started the sorrowful mystery of Gethsemane, I had great difficulty pronouncing the words. I found myself unable to utter any word, and it seemed like my spirit went again into a sort of rapture and in this way I entered Jesus’ agonies in Gethsemane. I was in this way until the last ‘Hail Mary’. Then when (...), who went on anyway, started the second mystery, the scourging, I found myself violently thrown on to the rug, prostrated, and my arms slightly above my head. I went through the scourging. My body shook violently every time the ‘whip’ fell on me. For this first time Our Holy Mother was preparing me for every mystery. And thus, I went through the whole Passion till the Crucifixion, going through the agonies and suffering of Jesus. I had no physical pains, all pains were interior. Later on, like one hour later, I went through the whole Passion once more. Then at around 18.30, I again succumbed once more through the whole Passion, more violently than ever.) this Gift is now given to you out of My Love; you have not merited My Gift, nevertheless I am your God and I overlook all your weaknesses and your sins I have forgiven; 