True Life in God Messages

402 True Life in God Notebook 40 into Your Sacred Heart, feed my soul with Your Word, anoint my soul with Your Holy Name, make my soul ready to hear Your discourse, breathe Your sweet fragrance on my soul, reviving it, ravish my soul to delight Your Soul; Father, embellish me, Your child, by distilling Your pure myrrh upon me, You have taken me to Your Celestial Hall, where all the Elect are seated, You have shown me around to Your angels, ah, what more does my soul ask? Your Spirit has given me life and You, who are the Living Bread, have restored my life, You have offered me to drink Your Blood, to be able to share for eternity with You, Your Kingdom and live forever and ever; Glory be to the Highest! Glory be to the Holy of Holies, Praised be our Lord, Blessed be our Lord, for His Mercy and His Love reaches from age to age and forever will; amen; good, My child; (Jesus was happy for my dictation.) January 30, 1990 My Lord? I am; lean on Me every time you feel discouraged and weak; I love you and it is out of love I allow certain situations and events to happen, to show you that without Me you are nothing; I allow these events to happen to keep you near Me, and to make your soul depend on Me and lean on Me; I want you to trust Me; I am He who holds the foundations of the earth together; tell Me that you love Me, flower; lean on Me, listen to My Voice and follow Me blindly; set to work with your God; come, it pleases Me; I and you, you and I, see?  January 31, 1990 (Yesterday I was for seven hours under the Lord’s dictation. Today, around six hours. In the end, I asked Jesus, “Jesus, shall we go now and do some other work?” (I had in mind to start cleaning the kitchen.) And Jesus, without the slightest hesitation, said: “ Then let us go! ” He sounded very eager to have me up and start cleaning the kitchen. He behaved as though I had to do some very important and urgent work ...) (Message for Nice to be read on February 11, from our Holy Mother.) peace be with you, My little children; I am your Celestial Mother, the Mother of your Saviour, the Mother of your Redeemer; today I invite you all to look for the things that are in Heaven; I ask you to detach yourselves from the principles of this world and lift your heads towards heaven, seek all that is heavenly; seek the Light and the Light shall not fail you; please God and turn to Him, do not cling to the world, cling to the One who shall guide your step to heaven; ah beloved children, have you not yet understood? Heaven is your Home and earth is your preparation, your preparation to meet God; God has given you the gift of His Love, will you not