True Life in God Messages

Notebook 40 True Life in God 401 to love your enemies, make peace with Me; I tell you solemnly that if the earth is covered with disasters today, it is the fruit of its apostasy; ah My friends, all you who love Me and devote your entire life to Me, you who freed the needy when they called and with the orphan who had no love, gave him your warmth, you who are sensitive to the poor men’s needs, and console the widow, and open your doors wide to the fatherless, and you, who seek to serve the cause of justice, never raising your hand against the guiltless, rejoice! for you are indeed My children; I am today, beloved ones, asking you to pray fervently and amend for those whom My Heart loves, but have turned against Me; I am asking you to immolate yourselves for all those who severe My Wounds, by watching them kill their child before even its birth; pray for the wombs that shape these children but forget them, and their names are recalled no longer; invoke Me in your troubles and I shall rush to you; count your blessings and praise Me, have you not heard before that I rescue all those that cling to Me? you are not fatherless, you have a Father in Heaven who loves you infinitely and His Name is like myrrh, pouring out of Him to anoint you and bless you; beloved, I am giving you the gift of My Love; take courage all you who immolate for others, I am near you to console you; take courage, My children, your God is very near you and many heard My Footsteps; Love is returning to you as love and shall dwell among you; I bless each one of you, leaving My Sigh of Love upon your forehead; be one;  January 26, 1990 peace be with you; Love loves you; evangelise with love for Love; repeat after Me these words: My Lord and King, keep my spirit steady and willing; and I shall teach transgressors the way to You, and to You the sinners shall return; amen1 (Later on:) delight Me and stay in My Light; I am the Light; pray, My Vassula, that those souls who wound Me may see the Light and get to know then their left hand from their right hand; hear My Mother: today My Heart is in tears because of so many sins; the world is ungrateful to Love; I appear to many and call out, 2 pleading them to return to God and change their lives, but only very few really do; so many do not change; daughter, pray for these stubborn souls; I shall pray, Holy Mother. I bless you and all those who pray for these; January 29, 1990 Lord? I am; little one let us pray: Lord my God, lift my soul from this darkness into Your Light, envelop my soul 1Ps. 51:12-13. 2To humanity.