True Life in God Messages

400 True Life in God Notebook 40 ardent Love and make you Mine entirely; I shall, if you abandon yourselves to me, form you into My Divine Image, I shall give you back your divinity and make you holy as I am Holy; so come to Me, your Saviour, why look elsewhere? why seek what the world offers and does not last? seek what is Holy and Eternal, why rely on what the world offers when what it offers does not last? have you not heard before that I have said how all flesh is grass? the grass withers, the flower fades, but My Word remains forever; turn to Me and rely on My Love; My little children, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; do not listen to the Tempter who seeks the ruin of your soul, his dominion is in the world; but listen to Me your God, who offers you My Hand today and who bends all the way to you to lift you from the dust and make you holy in My Heart; listen to Me and you shall inherit My Kingdom; come to Me and make peace with Me, My Peace I bequeath to you, a peace the world cannot give you; come, you who have not acknowledged Me yet as your Redeemer and detach yourself from the elemental things that can neither lift nor feed your soul, why be enslaved to them? come back to Me, even in your wretchedness and your guilt, I accept you as you are, and tell you that I have forgiven you already; let Me tell you, My child, that no man has greater love for you than Mine; lift your eyes to Me and behold Who is pleading you; it is I, Jesus, your Saviour, who comes to you today, speaking through the mouths of even the least among you; I come barefoot1 and like a Beggar to ask from you a return of love; I am in search of your heart, do not refuse Me ... day and night I stretch out My 1 Barefoot = in simplicity, without necessarily choosing holy souls, to manifest Himself through them. Hands to you, when will you come to Me? when will I hear your response? will I find an answer in this wilderness, My child? or will Silence cover My Soul? listen, listen to My plea, this is the consolation you can offer Me, do not be afraid, I will help you, see? I shall renew you entirely if you shall abandon yourself to Me; I have come all the way to your door, and today if you are assembled together here to listen to what My Spirit says to you, it is because I chose it to be this way; I have come to give you Hope; I have come to give you Light; I have come not to condemn you, but to awaken you, My child, and to show you My Sacred Heart and Who is standing before you; you are Mine, though not all of you are, because some of you put honour from men before the honour that comes from God; so I tell you solemnly; receive My Holy Spirit today ... receive My Holy Spirit today ... receive My Holy Spirit today ... return to Me; I mean to deliver you from evil and rouse your love for Me; I mean to show Myself to you and give you the sign of My Holy Presence as I give to others, covering you with My delicate fragrance of incense; come then to Me and talk to Me, talking to Me is praying, praying from your heart; I have in the stillness of the night come to remind you of My precepts; do you not know that since time began and man was set on earth, a room in Heaven has been prepared for you? your Home is in Heaven with Me, by My side; let this room be filled with your presence, do not grieve Me to see your room empty for eternity ... return to Me, cease erring in this wilderness aimlessly; seek Me, My child; cease in doing evil, learn to forgive, learn to do good, be confident in Me your God, learn