True Life in God Messages

Notebook 40 True Life in God 399  January 19, 1990 peace be with you; meditate upon the mystery of My Presence; O Vassula, there are so many temptations in the world that souls cannot afford to be one second asleep; they should be in constant prayer and awake; these temptations arise from almost nothing; the traps that Satan puts are so cunningly disguised that souls fall instantly inside them, completely unaware they have even fallen! but if souls only listened to Me and would pray more often and feel My Presence more often, talking to Me as their companion, or praying to Me as their Father, then they would be more aware of these traps; incessant prayers keeps the devil far and their soul closer to Me; come, praise Me daughter now and then, it glorifies Me and it pleases Me too, say these words: Glory be to God the Highest, Blessed be His Name; just these words and I am glorified; then say this: My Jesus, You who favoured me, I bless you; come, these lines please Me; we, us? Yes, Lord. we, us? Yes, Holy Mother; you are My flower; January 21, 1990 peace be with you; never stop desiring Me; I am being glorified and you, little one, are being purified; creep in the depths of My Sacred Heart and let Me hide you in there; I want you just for Myself; I love you to jealousy; your God loves you in spite of your nothingness, your incapacity to follow My precepts and to adjust yourself into My Law; I love you to folly in spite of your imperfections, I love you because you want to follow Me, My little lamb; I shall lift you on My Shoulders and you will come with Me wherever I go; 1  January 22, 1990 (Message for France, for our prayer meeting in Nice on February 11, 1990.) peace be with you; I am the Spirit of Love, of Peace, of Reconciliation; I am He who loves you most; I am your Creator; I tell you solemnly, that I shall keep spreading My Holy Spirit on your sons and daughters, as has never happened among many generations, to nourish you directly from My Own Hand and to place My entire Law on your hearts; I am, in your days, revealing My Holy Face to you all; yes, My Holy Face shall shine on you, My beloved ones, I shall reveal to you My Glory; and you who might not know Me yet, I shall come to you too, and take your hand in Mine and place it on My Sacred Heart, I shall make you feel My Heartbeats and if you would then allow Me, I shall entice your little heart and consume it with My 1 Jesus’ love covered me. I cannot describe in words His Great Love.