True Life in God Messages

398 True Life in God Notebook 40 your senses, repair for those who wound Me; lift your eyes to Me, and feel how My Love covers you and consumes you; expiate for others to please Me; look! I am He who loves you most, would you resist My call? would you resist Me? I, who called you by your name and fashioned you to My Image; I, who lifted you from the dead and your soul I delivered from the countries underneath the earth; lift your eyes to Me, and look at your King who adorned your nakedness with His Blessings; I have espoused you to Me and brought you up with Wisdom; ah Vassula, My pupil, rejoice Me and share with Me; lift your eyes to Me, and look at the One who saved you; I am He; He who created you; lift your eyes to Me, and look at Me; I am He who revealed to you My Holy Face; I am He who flourished your senses; I am the Lord who looked on you and assessed you and poured on you My Teachings; watch My Lips1 ... from these very Lips of your God you have learned all that you know today; from the Lips of your God you were dictated and all the Knowledge you have comes from Me; I am your Educator; are you willing to let Me draw you in My Footprints till the end? will you allow Me to do this? From Your very Hand I have been given Food, without any merits, 1Jesus said this indicating with two fingers His Lips. who am I to have been poured with graces? All comes from You. From Your own Hand I have been given gifts. I bless You O Lord, I will exult and rejoice in Your Love and follow You feverishly till the end, and even more determined. then take My Cross of Love and Peace and together we shall proceed; remember, My beloved, that I am near you all the time, remember My Holiness so that you may walk in holiness; offer Me your wretchedness and My Soul shall soothe you; your Saviour is by your side; I am He who raises the poor from the dust; you see, My Vassula, it is by faith and through faith in Me that I have made you enter this state of grace; (The Lord means that I approached Him with His grace by faith and through childlike-faith.) I, Jesus, love you; delight Me always; January 18, 1990 Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. I tell you if anyone prays this Rosary2 to Me, heaven will open to him and My Mercy shall save him; make your peace with Me, make your peace with Me, ask Me every day: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner; daughter, teach your brothers3 this prayer, teach them to be in solitude and in silence while praying this Rosary; embellish My Church, daughter; come, advance in purity of heart; 2The Orthodox Rosary. 3The Catholics.