True Life in God Messages

Notebook 40 True Life in God 397 January 17, 1990 peace be with you; flower of Mine, allow Me to use your hand today to write down My Message; 1 I give you My Peace; beloved ones, I have raised you up to use you as a means to make My Messages known throughout the world; I have raised you up to make out of you living altars, giving you My Flame; I raised you up to transfigure you into living temples; My Grace is upon you, My Eyes never leaving you; come and draw from My Riches, come, please Me and say these words: “may You be blessed, Lord, all Merciful, all the greatness, the power, the splendour is Yours, Yours is the sovereignty and You are Ruler of all and above all, and it is by You and through You that Unity shall descend, as lightning, to honour and Glorify Your Body, amen” and I tell you that in Unity you shall be like vessels carrying My Light, proclaiming My Kingdom and teaching the Truth with complete freedom and without hindrance of anyone; (take down a few more lines for My chosen ones) be prepared for a few more tribulations; I am before you to open your way, so do not fear; many shall be scandalised, but he who proclaims the Truth never goes without trials, your oppressors are surrounding you, but have your felt any? I tell you, before they 1Message for January 18, 1990, first day of the feast of Unity and my birthday as well. This message was given to be read for the 18th. even reach you I scatter them away; I the Lord walk by your side; hear Me: to unite, you shall all have to bend; there must be no competition among you, no conceit, but everyone has to be self-effacing; I am Divine and divine I wish you to be; you should, My beloved ones, all bend, since you all share My Spirit; I, the Lord, bless you;  Jesus? I am; I, Jesus, love you, daughter; tell Me, had I not come to you in this way to save you, would you be waiting for Me, serving Me? and had you not been lifted by Me would you have been aware of all that is happening in My Church? No, no Lord, but I’m no good to have been given all this. flower, even if you are no good, I am here with you to bless you and to draw you deeper in My Heart; eat from Me in this way; have My Peace; lift your eyes to Me, and My Holy Face shall shine on you; I have anointed you to be one of My brides, I have elevated you to be Mine; Love loves you ... I have imbued you with My delicate fragrance, I have spread My fragrance all the way to your friends; I have adorned you with My jewels to resemble Me; I have fastened you to Me; lift your eyes to Me, and see My Holy Face; I am your Saviour who loves you; accept the way I lead you; I have laid out My Plans long before you were born; fast, My beloved, mortify