True Life in God Messages

396 True Life in God Notebook 40 earth shall be as it is in Heaven; do not be astonished nor amazed, on the contrary, rejoice! rejoice that His Holy Spirit is being so lavishly outpoured upon every nation and raising new disciples; if only you would listen to Us today and not harden your hearts as in the time of Rebellion ... the time is fleeing and I implore you to listen to Us, because in a short time you will no longer see Me; My dear children, live in Christ, live in Him; be prepared always to meet the Lord, for the Lord is among you; be happy and rejoice with Me, keep doing all the things that you learnt from Us, live Our Messages and God shall make them clear to you, meditate on Our Words, so that in the end God’s Plan will come into realisation; His intention is to transfigure your bodies into a copy of His Divine Image; He intends to bring you back into divinity and make out of you all: One Pure and Holy Body; Unity can only be to God’s Glory, so come and praise the Lord, do not be like the pagans differentiating yourselves in Christ; you should, all you who are in Christ, help each other and thus fulfil the law of Christ, this is an appeal to all Christians from your Lord’s Mother; the Lord is preparing you all you who are under His Name for this Glorious day; yes, the Lord will unite His people and deliver them from all the evils; Mercy and Justice is working with such wonders as has never happened among many generations ... and Unity shall come upon you like Dawn and as sudden as the fall of communism; it shall come from God and your nations shall name it: the Great Miracle, the Blessed Day in your history; this Miracle shall be all for God’s Glory, and in this day all Heaven shall celebrate and rejoice profoundly ... this is why I implore you, children of Mine, to be in constant prayer and to love one another; give your full abandonment to God and He will do the rest; I bless each one of you, My Presence shall be felt by many of you upon entering your homes; I love you all; January 15, 1990 To live in You is wonderful! flower, this is a delightful moment for Me; I elevate your soul to Me, reaching contemplation, and these moments delight My Soul; are you aware of the difference? I lift your soul to attain the peak of awareness; you are aware of My Presence in this minute, 1 more than most of the time; abandon yourself to Me and grow in My Spirit; have Me as first; My God, it’s fantastic to be with You! Lord? I am; little one, 2 will I ever abandon you? I mean this is INCREDIBLE to be with You like this! Moses’ God, Abraham’s God, You, Jesus!! flower, surely you have heard of My Wonders even greater than this one; (God means this wonder of being in communication with Him in writing.) Love is near you and it is Love you hear and it is Love who consumes you, love Me and I shall do the rest; have My Peace; I the Lord bless you; the saints are with you; 1 In writing. 2 I sighed.