True Life in God Messages

388 True Life in God Notebook 39 truths, this is the only way to stir some of the sluggish spirits; today My Holy Spirit of Grace is rejected by the unbelievers, but they do not know what they are rejecting; it is as Scripture says: ... “the stone rejected by the builders has proved to be the keystone; a stone to stumble over, a rock to bring men down”; 1 these unbelievers stumble over the corner stone because they do not believe in the Works of My Holy Spirit; yes, today My Holy Spirit of Grace who descends to show you the Way, the Truth and the Life is indeed the Keystone, the Corner Stone that you do not recognise and reject altogether; daughter, even in your imperfection I shall be able to accomplish My Messages; take your sufferings as blessings; think of what I had to suffer to accomplish My Work and through My Wounds healed you all; I, the Lord, need generous souls who are willing to immolate themselves for others and become little crucifixes; all these sacrifices shall not be in vain; tremendous reparations have to be done and the time is pressing; so, little one, lean on My Shoulder when you are weary; do not fall, lean on Me; united we are; pray, My Vassula, for the cause of your era’s salvation; caress Me your God with your littleness; caress Me with your prayers coming out of your heart; I want sincerity; I do not want obligations, I want your heart; be perfect! come, My Eyes do not leave you; you are all2My Joy, My Happiness;  1 1 P. 2:7-8. 2Small souls. December 24, 1989 (Christmas Eve) Jesus? I am; glory be to God; Glory be to God. pray, My child; devote yourself to Me; love is near you and was always, from your crib days to this day, and will forever be; stay near Me and reject all confusing thoughts; lean on Me alone, be one with Me; satisfy My insatiable thirst for love, O Pantocrator; (The fall of Communism in Romania) My flower, I am the Light of the world; sing and be happy, sing for joy for it is I, Jesus, who performs these marvels; My Cross shall be erected again on every church, do you see? 3 a universal peace is soon to come; Peace is about to be born; pray for this birth of Peace and Love; today the earth feels the beginning of its birth-pangs; these, My beloved ones, are My early Signs of Love; 4 I am the Master of heaven and earth, and I shall with My Power demonstrate to every nation that I am all-powerful; I have said that I shall overthrow with My Breath all those who reduced you to slavery; let your nations realise that everything is subject to My Power, and what I did with one breath is for My Glory; no man is able to efface My Law; let the nations realise that it is I, the Lord, who came to free these captives 3 I saw in an interior vision the roof of a church, and two or three men on it, struggling to put in the right place a heavy Cross, back again in its place. 4 On November 29, a month before events in Romania, Jesus and our Holy Mother gave us a Christmas Message, to read to the prayer group on December 22. Our Holy Mother's message was alluding to Romania’s freedom.