True Life in God Messages

384 True Life in God Notebook 39 at their best the minute they notice a soul slumbering or weakening, or hesitating. Prayers just “kill” them and keep them off. Faith in the Lord’s Love and Mercy destroys these demons who are “buzzing” close to one’s ears so as to “suggest” us evil, disguised as the Truth and far from Love. This is why the Lord wants us to be aware and in constant prayer. A constant prayer keeps these demons away and Satan himself too. Prayers become a safe barrier around us, keeping away Satan and all other demons. Yes, it’s a constant fight.) December 13, 1989 My Lord and Saviour? beloved, love Me; remember, Vassula, how I favoured you above many; this Grace I am giving you is a great gift: to be annihilated in Me your God; little seedling of Mine, your merits are none, yet My eagerness to lift you to Me and be within Me is such, that I overlook what you are, even your sins I overlook and pardon; now do you understand My fervent Love? stay small, never cease calling Me, never cease thirsting for Me; lean on Me when you are weary, remain in Me for this is the way I like it; Love loves you;  December 14, 1989 Glorify Me by loving Me and by adoring Me your God; see? now you know what it is like to be in your God and to live in Me; I am your Beloved Father who keeps you glued on My breast, just like a mother who keeps her infant upon her breast, nourishing it, warming it, so am I too with you; I feed you and I comfort you; you need not worry since your source of life flows out directly from Me; you need not fear since you are enveloped by My Love and in My Arms; I am your Protector and near Me you are secure; I, the Lord, developed you, just like a mother who takes good care of her infant; beloved, the Source of Life flows out of Me, be blessed; December 16, 1989 peace be with you; sanctity does not come in a day, you need to persevere in this road full of obstacles and little crosses, do not let go of Me; will you continue? will you continue with Me in this road up to the end of it? I shall not let go of You my Lord, help me so that my fists which are tightly closed on Your Garment, do not go loose. cling on My Cross and My Cross shall lead you all the way to Perfection, near you I Am, united to you I Am; pray, My Vassula; for devotion is primarily what comes out of love; I, the Lord, have impregnated you with My Love; I ask each soul to come and thrust herself in this Ocean of Love so that they too may be saturated and feel this Love; I, Jesus, love you all; enter into My Sacred Heart, I long to hide you deep in Its Depths, hide you for always and keep you just for Myself; flower, love Me, love Me, adore Me, adore Me and I shall do the rest; learn to say: “Jesus, make my heart Your resting place; come and rest, Lord;”  December 17, 1989 (I felt the Lord far away. I panic when I feel this way, I know it is entirely my fault and