True Life in God Messages

Notebook 39 True Life in God 383 quick to anger God, is damaging My Church; I am patient and slow to anger but I am quick to forgive and forget; no one should say that I am only after holy people; I am known to go and find the sick and wretched; their wretchedness attracts Me, their incapacity to reach Me makes Me all the more eager to pull them up to Me and press them to My Heart; I am Jesus and Jesus means Saviour and I come to save and not to condemn;  (Later:) My child, do you believe it is I, Jesus, meeting you in this special way? Yes I do, Lord. do you believe it is I, Jesus, you see around all the time? Yes I believe, Lord. – Why are You questioning me, Lord? to hear you say it, child; be happy then and bless Me, for you are under My Father’s favour; you must work though and elevate your soul constantly; I have given you the grace to see Me with the eyes of your soul and to discern My Voice; do not allow the world to monopolise you now that you do not belong to them; My Wisdom shall enlarge your learnings; be gentle with the poor like I am gentle with you; plead for their cause; no father deserts his child in the desert so be patient like I am patient with you; daughter, do not try to discover things that are beyond your power for you can be misled by your own presumption and thus mislead others too; trust Me and I shall give you learnings that you can absorb and for your capacity, listen to My Words and never to others’; lean on My Shoulder when you are weary, let My Shoulder be your Head-Rest and My Sacred Heart your Abode; (Later:) eat from Me, learn from Me; console My children, will you write now? 1 – I am happy to feel you cling on Me; devotion shall keep your eyes open and your soul far from sleep; come, be glad that I have risen you from the dead and from those who lie years dead and are decomposed; Jesus, I have asked You this before and I’m asking You again, if it is Your Will, do unto the dead and even the decomposed as You have done unto me, raise them to Life and allow them to live under Your Light. death shall be swallowed up in victory before the Resurrected One, for I am the Life; I am the Resurrection and Life in Itself and anyone who comes to eat My Flesh and drink My Blood shall have eternal life; come, I shall dictate to you further revelations on My Holy Eucharist; I, the Lord, bless you for joining Me in this way and for allowing Me to use you to write My Words; work hard, My Vassula; all will not be in vain; come, I shall guide you in all your undertakings; be firm! (To “be firm” was said just because while I was under dictation, the evil one tried again, suggesting that all this might be coming from my subconscious mind! And so Jesus said to me to “be firm”. Satan is a real nuisance. As for the other demons I do not pay much attention to them, they are also a nuisance but are more or less like flies buzzing around and are fearing me although they’d have liked it to be the other way round. Still, they are malicious and one has to be on guard. These demons are 1 I was ‘clinging’ on Jesus. I did not want to leave this instant and let Him ‘go’.