True Life in God Messages

382 True Life in God Notebook 39 alive and yet are dead”; “wake up,” I tell you, “revive what little you have left: it is dying fast”; 1 not only are they dead but in their fall they want to deprive My children from eating My Heavenly Bread too; they are forgetting that I rule over them and that I confer My Spirit of Grace on whom I please and raise the lowest of mankind; in their wickedness they shut the door at My Face; resentful to My angels, they abolish all hopes from this generation; they treat My Holy Spirit of Grace no better than the Pharisees treated Me on earth; My Vassula, beloved of My Soul, courage; let Me tell you this: I have placed you all2 on My Path to share My Cross of Peace and Love; Lord, what about ‘x’? he too is a victim of My Love, a victim of My Soul, a victim of Love’s jealous love, rejoice! for already you feel My anguishes of Gethsemane, 3 but have faith in Me and trust Me for I am near you to share My Cross with you till the end; I and you, My beloved ones, you and I; together we shall strive and I tell you, mountains can be shaken and valleys transformed, but My Love shall never ever fail you; My Love for you is unshakeable and My Faithfulness unalterable, see? lean on Me and I shall rest your soul, but allow Me too to ask you for rest when My Soul is weary; allow Me to unburden My Cross on your shoulders to rest; I, the Lord, shall remind you of My Presence; peace upon you; yearn for Me; Love loves you; love Me; 1Rv. 3:2. 2All those who one way or another participate in the diffusing of these messages. 3This is referred to ‘x’.  evangelise with love for Love; December 7, 1989 Since You are One Lord, bring us to One Faith and One Baptism. Lord, You are One God who is Father of all, over all, through all and within all, we are incapable, all of us, to come to an understanding, we are unbending ... will You leave us in this way? pray for all of you to come to an understanding; I have created you, giving you the freedom to make your own decisions; to be faithful to Me and keep My Commandments is within your power; I have never commanded you to sin, so pray for Wisdom to enlighten this generation, to start telling their right hand from their left; (This message is for the youngster group I have:) reveal Me to mankind the way I have taught you: I am a God of Love and Mercy; I am not a complicated God and I never hound anyone to death; realise that I give and ask accordingly, I shall never demand from a soul more than what she can offer, I do not ask more than her capacity offers; I am asking from each one a small return of love, a smile, a thought, a kind word, just one word coming from their heart would be received like a million prayers; this is of considerable importance, even a mere thought ... I shall take it ever so preciously; I love each soul to folly; I am a God ever so Tender and Meek; I am Gentle with My offsprings; whosoever presents Me to My offsprings as a demanding and